Aspirin Could Potentially Prevent Colorectal Cancer

Aspirin, a well-known drug for relieving headaches and reducing fevers, is gaining attention for its potential in preventing colorectal cancer (CRC), which is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer worldwide.

Aspirin can prevent colorectal cancer

Colorectal cancer has a significant impact on numerous individuals annually, making it a prominent contributor to cancer-related fatalities. While screening procedures such as colonoscopies have proven successful in the early detection of this ailment, the introduction of aspirin could potentially bolster this defensive strategy.

Aspirin, known as acetylsalicylic acid, is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). When taken, it is absorbed in the stomach and upper intestines, converting into salicylic acid. This metabolite has a half-life of approximately 20 minutes and plays a crucial role in aspirin’s cancer-fighting effects.

Studies suggest that consistent aspirin use in doses of 75 to 300 mg per day can reduce the long-term risk of developing colorectal cancer (CRC) by 24%. Additionally, for individuals already diagnosed with CRC, ongoing aspirin use may enhance their survival prospects.

Aspirin’s role in cancer prevention is grounded in scientific understanding. Researchers from the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich have clarified that aspirin interferes with detrimental cellular processes linked to cancer development. It accomplishes this by disrupting certain substances in cells that promote inflammation and cancer growth while interfering with critical cellular pathways involved in survival and proliferation. This dual action is beneficial for impeding cancer cell growth but may have adverse effects on healthy cells.

Aspirin activates a cellular clean-up that prevents cancer

It is important to note that aspirin activates a protective cellular cleanup system that disposes of harmful materials and can prevent cancer. This system, led by the molecule AMPK, helps cells remain healthy and resist cancer-causing changes. Aspirin also influences messaging molecules called miR-34a/b/c, which regulate cell repair, division, and death, potentially preventing cancer.

Some individuals may not experience the same benefits from a drug due to a common genetic variation. This genetic difference can impact the effectiveness of aspirin in providing protection. Researchers suggest that using lower doses of aspirin over extended periods could be a safer and more effective approach for prevention.