Blood Pressure Medication Shows Potential Of Helping Women With Acne

Researchers at the University of Southampton have found an alternative solution for acne, particularly for women who often face challenges in dealing with the condition. Traditionally, dermatologists prescribe creams, gels, and antibiotics as treatments. However, due to growing concerns about antibiotic resistance, the researchers have identified a potential acne-curing option in a drug called spironolactone, typically used for patients with high blood pressure.

Spironolactone used as an acne treatment

Dermatologists have long utilized Spironolactone as a treatment for severe acne. By diminishing the primary hormone responsible for acne formation, this drug has demonstrated efficacy in acne management, as stated by Professor Alison Layton, co-leader of the study conducted at Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust and the Skin Research Centre at the University of York. However, Professor Layton added that in the past, studies on using Spironolactone for acne have been minimal evidence exists that it actually works.

In the SAFA trial, researchers enrolled more than 400 adult women who had been experiencing persistent acne for at least six months. These individuals typically would be prescribed oral antibiotics as a subsequent treatment. The participants were divided into two groups: one group received Spironolactone, while the other group received a placebo.

Spironolactone helps women with acne in 12 weeks

According to Professor Miriam Santer, a general practitioner and Professor of Primary Care Research at the University of Southampton, a study demonstrated that women who took Spironolactone experienced a noteworthy improvement in their acne after 12 and 24 weeks compared to those who received a placebo.

 Additionally, more individuals reported feeling satisfied with improving their skin when using Spironolactone, and any side effects observed were infrequent and minor. These findings suggest that Spironolactone could serve as a viable alternative to antibiotics for women with persistent acne in conjunction with topical acne treatments.

Kelly Cornick, a 39-year-old woman, has suffered from severe acne since her teenage years. She tried treatments such as creams, antibiotics, and birth control but failed. However, during a trial period, Spironolactone proved to be highly effective for her.