Circadian Pattern Interruptions Due to Night Shift Work Can Affect Cognitive Performance

The Earth’s day-night cycle, driven by its rotation, influences all life forms. Humans, aligned with this cycle, are naturally awake during daylight and sleep at night. This synchronization is disrupted when individuals work night shifts, leading to effects akin to jetlag due to the misalignment with their internal clock.

Working at night alters circadian pattern

Our circadian rhythms, regulated by our body clocks, govern various biological functions and respond to light and dark. These rhythms influence the sleep-wake patterns, with alertness tied to the body clock’s response to environmental cues. Night workers often experience fatigue in the early morning, conflicting with their natural sleep schedule. Another factor, sleep pressure, increases the likelihood of falling asleep the longer we stay awake.

Light levels significantly influence wakefulness and alertness. While dim light induces sleepiness, exposure to morning light enhances wakefulness and may hinder sleep after a night shift. For instance, those who attempt to stay awake at night and sleep during the day, face challenges as they go against their circadian rhythm and sleep biology. The body resists this disruption, but after three-to-four night shifts, the body clock adjusts, making it easier to cope with staying awake at night.

Shift work sleep disorder can affect cognitive performance

Shift work sleep disorder, characterized by sleep troubles, concentration issues, headaches, lethargy, and tiredness, affects many shift workers. Some individuals adapt better to shift work, while others are more vulnerable to fatigue.

Studies reveal a significant drop in cognitive performance and reaction time among vulnerable individuals kept awake at night. Sleep researchers aim to identify alertness vulnerability early on, helping workers make informed decisions about the suitability of shift work for them. Adapting to shift work is challenging, with individual strategies varying in effectiveness.

To cope with night shifts, prioritize sleep with a consistent schedule, dim lights, and avoid heavy meals. Manage light exposure by getting bright light at work and limiting morning light exposure with sunglasses. Create a comfortable, dark, and cool sleep environment, using earplugs or relaxing sounds and also consider a power nap before the first night shift for improved alertness without deep sleep disruptions.