Consumption Of Added Sugar Attributed To Increased Risk Of Kidney Stones

A recent study suggests that consuming processed foods like cookies, cakes, and soda may raise the risk of kidney stones. The research highlights that higher intake of added sugars, commonly present in processed snacks, can increase the likelihood of developing kidney stones.

Kidney stones affect more than 10% of the global population

Currently kidney stones affect over 10% of the population and they result in intense discomfort and symptoms like nausea, vomiting, pain, and blood in urine. They can lead to infections, kidney enlargement, and serious renal issues.

Risk factors include adulthood, inflammatory bowel disease, chronic diarrhea, obesity, dehydration, diabetes, gout, and now, the study adds excess sugar commonly found in junk food as a new risk factor. The study emphasized the common occurrence of added sugars in various products like soda, fruit drinks, chocolate, ice cream, and other highly processed items.

Researcher at the Affiliated Hospital of North Sichuan Medical College in Nachong China Dr Shan Yin explained that their study is the first to describe the link between kidney stones and added sugars in foods. Shan added that findings indicate that limiting consumption of added sugars can prevent kidney stones formation.

Dr. Yin and the team analyzed health data from over 28,000 American adults. The study assessed participants’ history of kidney stones and estimated their daily added sugar intake based on recent diet. The analysis considered various factors such as diet quality, harmful food intake, and beneficial components like grains, fruits, and vegetables. The study also factored in age, gender, race, income, ethnicity, and BMI when calculating annual kidney stone development odds.

Higher sugar intake associated with kidney stones

Participants with higher initial sugar intake exhibited a greater presence of kidney stones, alongside lower scores for healthy eating and education levels. Their average daily added sugar consumption stood at 272.1 calories, or 13.2 percent of total energy intake. The study consistently established a correlation between the proportion of energy obtained from added sugars and kidney stone development. The precise mechanisms linking excessive added sugar consumption to increased kidney stone risk remain unidentified, according to the researchers.