Dietician: Calorie Tracking For Weight Loss Does Not Work for Everyone

It is common for people to track the amount of calories they take while trying to lose weight or ensure they don’t add too much. Likewise, if you are into weight loss programs but are not tracking calories, staying fit and achieving a desired weight might not be easy.

Calories Tracking

 Tracking calorie intake is the only way to ensure what is getting into the body and its impact as part of any weight loss program. Over the years, most people have tried to track the actual calories for each meal to have a clear picture of their progress. While the method has come with its fair share of successes, some nutritionists believe some people might be doing it wrong.

 The fact that most people are fixated on the actual number of calories ingested might not be the best plan. In the end, most people don’t pay close attention to the importance of the vitamins, minerals, fibre and nutrients that the body needs amid the weight loss push. Most people miss the big picture, which is that low-calorie intake does not always amount to a healthy intake. Likewise, a high-calorie intake is not any better.

Balanced Diet Benefits

What works for weight loss in one person may not be the optimal choice for the overall well-being of another. Consider eggs, for example. Egg whites have significantly fewer calories than the whole egg, allowing for a higher consumption, protein intake, and a feeling of satisfaction with fewer calories. However, the majority of essential vitamins and minerals are found in the yolk. This highlights the importance of catering to individual needs and preferences in a holistic approach to nutrition.

This principle also applies to other items, such as 100-calorie snacks, bars, and sweets. Despite their low-calorie count, these items may offer little nutritional value. Items such as avocados, nuts, and seeds are higher in calories per serving but are also packed with nutrients. This suggests that although it’s necessary to moderate your intake of these foods to lose weight, they should still be a part of your diet. They offer valuable fibre, vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats, often overlooked by those focusing on counting calories.

In reality, weight loss can be successfully achieved without the necessity of calorie counting. Many individuals have found success by embracing a diverse range of unprocessed, whole foods, liberating themselves from the confines of numbers and restrictions.