Early Breakfast and Dinner Reduces Risk Of Cardiovascular Problems

Eating breakfast before 9 a.m. may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, according to recent research led by a team of French scientists. The study suggests a 6% higher likelihood of cardiovascular issues for individuals having their first meal at 9 a.m. compared to those eating at 8 a.m.

Nighttime fasting reduces risk of stroke

Also, eating after 9 p.m. is associated with a 28% increased risk of cerebrovascular diseases, particularly strokes, especially in women, in contrast to eating before 8 p.m.

According to the study findings, extended “night-time fasting,” the interval between the last meal of the day and the first meal the following day, is linked to a decreased risk of stroke. Cardiovascular diseases, like heart attacks and strokes, are the primary global cause of death, as reported by the Global Burden of Disease study.

Researchers suggest that contemporary Western eating habits, such as late dinners or skipping breakfast, contribute to this risk by disrupting the essential daily cycle of food intake and fasting. This disruption affects the synchronization of the body’s peripheral clocks or circadian rhythms, impacting functions like blood pressure regulation.

Eating past 9 increases cardiovascular disease risk by 28%

The study, conducted by researchers from the Barcelona Institute for Global Health, Inserm, and the Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, emphasizes the impact of meal timing on cardiovascular health. Findings reveal a higher risk of cardiovascular disease associated with delaying the first meal of the day, with a six-percent increase in risk for each hour of delay. The study, focusing on “chrononutrition,” analyzed data from over 103,000 French individuals, primarily women, aged 42 on average, highlighting the importance of understanding the interconnectedness of meal timing, circadian rhythms, and health.

Consuming meals after 9 p.m. is linked to a 28% higher risk of cerebrovascular diseases, especially in women, compared to eating before 8 p.m. Longer night-time fasting is associated with a lower risk of such diseases, emphasizing the benefits of earlier meal times. The study suggests adopting these practices to reduce cardiovascular disease risk, while acknowledging the need for additional research.