Eggs Can Help Reduce Stunting In Children, Study Shows

There is an emphasis on breakfast being an important meal, and according to Washington University researchers, that could be true when eggs are involved. According to research, eggs are a crucial component of a growing child’s diet and can help them grow to be among the taller pupils in their class.

Eggs provide nutrients necessary for growth and development 

Eggs provide the nutrients required for the growth and development of children. Therefore introducing eggs to the child early during complementary feeding might improve their nutrition. 

Researchers carried out the study on newborns in Ecuador between 6 and 9 months. Over six months, some randomly chosen participants were instructed to add one egg to their diet daily, while others were assigned to a control that didn’t consume any eggs.

It was eventually discovered that infants who regularly ate eggs had a 47% lower risk of stunting or a delayed increase in height. Also, 74% were less likely to be underweight than kids in the placebo group.

Lead researcher Lora Iannotti said they were surprised by the effectiveness of the intervention. Iannotti added that the magnitude of the impact was 0.63 relative to the global average of 0.39. 

Eggs alternative to malnutrition in areas without access to proper nutrition 

It ought to be noted that individuals in the study population were restricted in how much sugar they could consume, which could have influenced the findings. Yet, given that eggs provide a complete meal that is simple to locate and frequently comes in safe packing, this study provides an alternative to malnutrition in locations without access to adequate nutrition.

But, Iannotti said that caregivers did not see or document any occurrences in the weekly house calls despite the study’s thorough monitoring of egg allergy reactions. Eggs appear to be a feasible and indicated source of nourishment for children in impoverished nations. From the findings, eggs improved children’s growth, and considering they are easily accessible to vulnerable groups, they can potentially contribute to targets to minimize stunting globally.