Elevated Insulin Levels In Obesity and Type II Diabetes Patients Attributed To Pancreatic Cancer

Type 2 diabetes and obesity have long been associated with an increased risk of pancreatic cancer. A recent study from the University of British Columbia has provided the first comprehensive explanation for this connection, revealing a direct correlation between elevated insulin levels and the development of pancreatic cancer.

Obesity and Type II diabetes are factors in pancreatic cancer development

The recent study reveals that elevated insulin levels can overstimulate pancreatic acinar cells, causing inflammation and transforming them into precancerous cells. This condition is prevalent in individuals with obesity and Type 2 diabetes.

Co-senior author professor James Johnson of the Cellular and Physiological Sciences department and interim Life Sciences Institute director at UBC said that there is an alarming increase of pancreatic cancer rates associated with rising type II diabetes and obesity cases. Johnson emphasizes the importance of maintaining healthy insulin levels through diet, exercise, and sometimes medication to address this issue.

For some time, obesity and Type 2 diabetes have been recognized as factors associated with an increased risk of pancreatic cancer. However, the precise mechanisms underlying this connection have remained elusive. This recent research provides insight into the involvement of insulin and its receptors in this phenomenon.

Excess insulin leads to pancreatic inflammation

The study’s first author Dr. Anni Zhang said that in their study they observed that hyperinsulinemia plays a direct role in the commencement of pancreatic cancer via the activation of insulin receptors within acinar cells. Zhang elucidates that this process entails an upsurge in the generation of digestive enzymes, ultimately resulting in escalated pancreatic inflammation.

Insulin plays a crucial role in regulating blood sugar levels, but a recent study reveals its significance in pancreatic acinar cells. These cells produce digestive enzymes for breaking down fatty foods, and insulin supports their normal function. However, excessive insulin action can lead to pancreatic inflammation and precancerous cell development.

This research suggests potential cancer prevention and therapy strategies by targeting insulin receptors in acinar cells. The research aims to influence clinical practice and promote lifestyle interventions for reducing pancreatic cancer risk in the general population.