Espresso in Martini Cocktail Could Be the Secret to Preventing Alzheimer’s disease, Study Shows

Alzheimer’s disease, Scientists found that the concentrated coffee shot can eliminate harmful brain proteins responsible for neuronal death. Surprisingly, this effect persists even when one consumes the espresso as part of an Espresso Martini cocktail.

Caffeine prevents accumulation and solidification of tau protein in brain

According to Professor Mariapina D’Onofrio, the lead researcher at the University of Verona, espresso coffee has shown potential in reducing the buildup and solidification of tau protein, which is closely associated with Alzheimer’s disease. The formation of these problematic “tau tangles” is known to contribute significantly to dementia by obstructing cognitive and memory functions.

In healthy people, tau functions to stabilize brain structures. Conversely, in cases of neurodegenerative disorders, tau has the potential to accumulate and form “fibrils.” Recent laboratory studies have shown that consumption of espresso can effectively inhibit the formation of these fibrils. This discovery holds significant importance, especially considering the high daily consumption rate of espresso, estimated at approximately 96 percent among the Italian population.

Researchers found that increasing the concentration of espresso extract, genistein, or caffeine, resulted in shorter fibrils that did not form larger sheets. The complete extract showed the most significant effects. Shortened fibrils were non-toxic to cells and didn’t act as catalysts for additional aggregation. The team analyzed the chemical composition of store-bought espresso shots using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, focusing on caffeine, genistein, theobromine, and trigonelline for further tests.

Espresso offers a caffeine boost that inhibit tau aggregation

Prof. D’Onofrio advises that espresso, whether consumed alone or in various drinks like lattes, Americanos, or martinis, provides a powerful caffeine boost. Additionally, studies show that espresso compounds may have the potential to inhibit tau protein aggregation, which is linked to Alzheimer’s disease. The standard brewing process involves finely grinding around 20 grams of coffee beans to increase surface area and enhance extraction yield.

Recent research indicates that coffee may have positive effects in combating neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, although the exact mechanisms are not fully understood. The tau protein is believed to be a crucial factor in this process.