Excessive Computer Usage For Work and Leisure Linked to Erectile Dysfunction in Men, Study Shows

A recent study suggests that excessive computer use, both for work and leisure, could contribute to erectile dysfunction (ED) in men. This includes activities like gaming, watching TV, and other sedentary behaviors. Researchers highlight the potential risks associated with frequent computer use during leisure time.

Erectile dysfunction prevalence high in men using computers often

The prevalence of erectile dysfunction (ED) among men, especially those aged 40 and above, poses significant challenges globally, impacting personal health and straining healthcare systems. Historically, ED has been attributed to a mix of psychological, hormonal, and vascular factors, with sedentary behavior suggested as a potential contributor, although not conclusively proven, according to researchers in China.

Researchers utilized Mendelian randomization, a method employing genetic variations to uncover causal relationships between behaviors and diseases. They found a strong link between leisure computer use and increased risk of erectile dysfunction (ED). Men spending more time on computers faced a 3.57 times higher risk of ED, while no such increased risk was observed for television watching or driving, indicating a unique factor associated with computer usage.

The study published in the journal Andrology suggests a link between computer use and erectile dysfunction, though further research is needed to establish a definitive causal relationship.

Men exposed to computers have low follicle-stimulating hormone levels

The research explored the connection between computer use and sexual health, examining potential pathways. It discovered lower levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) in men who used computers more frequently. FSH is important for the reproductive system, suggesting a potential hormonal pathway disrupted by sedentary behavior.

Interestingly there were no connections between computer use and other factors often linked to erectile dysfunction (ED), such as depression, anxiety, or indicators of vascular health. This indicates that although computer use might increase the risk of ED, it could be due to reasons not entirely related to psychological stress or blood circulation problems.

Men can address the issue through lifestyle adjustments and medications, such as phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors like Viagra, according to researchers. Recovery time differs significantly across studies.