Excessive Dyslexia Diagnosis Can Be Counterproductive, Study Shows

When a child struggles with reading or lags behind in school, an evaluation for dyslexia—a learning disorder that complicates the reading process—might be considered. However, educational and clinical psychologists caution that hastily diagnosing dyslexia, despite good intentions, might be more detrimental than beneficial.

Excessive dyslexia diagnosis should cease

In a newly released book, “The Dyslexia Debate Revisited,” specialists are urging a cessation of the excessive diagnosis of dyslexia. They advocate for educators, policymakers, and psychologists to reconsider current methods of reading assessment and focus on enhancing reading resources.

The authors question the scientific validity of diagnosing dyslexia in children and argue that current support procedures for struggling readers are largely ineffective. They emphasize the need for reform in education policy and practice to better assess and support all children facing reading difficulties, particularly those from minority or economically disadvantaged backgrounds. Co-author Julian Elliot, a professor of educational psychology at Durham University, highlights the urgency of addressing this issue to prevent children from being left behind.

According to the authors there is need for a shift from labeling children with dyslexia to prioritizing early support and intervention for struggling readers. They emphasize training teachers to identify and assist struggling readers in elementary school and establishing systems for extra educational support.

Exclusive diagnosis of dyslexia limits access to resources

The authors advise policymakers and educators to pre-plan intervention strategies for readers facing challenges across various age groups. Exclusively diagnosing dyslexia clinically may limit access to beneficial resources for other struggling learners. Another suggested approach involves acknowledging and implementing recommended interventions regardless of dyslexia diagnosis.

Ultimately, the authors aim to redefine the concept of dyslexia. They contend that dyslexia should encompass any child experiencing enduring challenges with reading. At present, there lacks a universally accepted and valid method of distinguishing dyslexia from alternative reading difficulties. Hence, the authors propose that dyslexia should denote an educational challenge rather than a medical categorization or diagnosis.

Elliot suggests that rather than formally diagnosing and labeling a small number of poor readers as dyslexic, the focus should be on identifying and assisting all children who have difficulties with reading.