Experts Recommend Working Out During The Day Ti Lower Type II Diabetes Risk

A recent study suggests that engaging in physical activity in the morning or afternoon may be more effective in preventing diabetes compared to evening exercise. This complements earlier research indicating that morning exercise is also the best time for weight loss.

Exercising during the day linked to reduced type II diabetes risk

Daytime physical activity is linked to a lower risk of Type II diabetes regardless of age, income, or education, but evening exercise does not show a significant connection to diabetes risk, as reported in Diabetologia journal.

Previous research found that afternoon exercise is linked to a lower risk of premature death compared to morning workouts, but the relationship between exercise timing and Type 2 diabetes risk remains largely unexplored. To address this gap Harvard University’s, Dr. Caiwei Tian and Harvard Medical School’s Dr. Chirag Patel, along with other researchers, conducted a study to investigate the connection between morning, afternoon, and evening workout and the risk of Type 2 diabetes.

In a study with 93 British participants, averaging 62 years old and without Type 2 diabetes history, wrist accelerometers were worn for a week. Researchers used this data to estimate MET (metabolic equivalent of task), a standard measure of physical activity. MET-hour activity encompassed various activities recorded by the accelerometers, such as chores, intense exercises, and walking.

Lifestyle factors may affect exercise habits

The study suggests that lifestyle factors like sleep and diet could affect exercise habits at different times of the day, potentially impacting diabetes risk. When accounting for these factors, the link between exercise intensity (MVPA and VPA) and reduced diabetes risk remained consistent throughout the day. The study also emphasizes its novelty in assessing the influence of exercise consistency.

Researchers stated that the regularity or pattern of physical activity did not exhibit a substantial correlation with Type 2 diabetes. Additionally, those who engage in shorter, more frequent exercise sessions face no reduced diabetes risk compared to those who engage in an equivalent total amount of exercise but with less adherence to a specific routine.