Family Size May Negatively Impact Mental Health of Teenagers, Study Shows

The mental well-being of adolescents appears to be negatively impacted by the size of their families, according to a recent study. The study suggests that teenagers from more extensive family units tend to experience poor mental health when compared to their counterparts with fewer siblings.

Number of siblings may affect mental wellbeing of teens

Researchers from The Ohio State University (OSU) have made a noteworthy cross-cultural discovery regarding the impact of sibling count on mental well-being. This surprising finding extends its influence across both the United States and China, as sociologists from OSU conducted comprehensive research into the intricate dynamics of the relationship between the number of siblings and mental health.

The study’s lead author, Doug Downey, a sociology professor at OSU, stated that the study’s outcomes were unpredictable, as prior research suggested positive effects associated with having more siblings. The results challenge preconceived notions and highlight the complexity of the subject.

The research focusing on mental health examined over 9,400 Chinese and 9,100 American 8th-graders, revealing that the average Chinese youth has approximately 0.7 fewer siblings than their American counterparts, likely due to China’s One Child Policy.

With less children there is more attention and resources

Notably, in China, teens without siblings exhibited the best mental health, while in the U.S., those with none or one sibling showed similar well-being. However, half and full siblings’ presence, particularly close in age or older, was linked to poorer mental health in the U.S. These findings were explained by the “resource dilution” theory.

In the analogy of parental resources as a pie, having one child means they receive all the attention and resources. However, Downey said that with more siblings, each child receives fewer resources and attention, potentially affecting their mental health.

The theory posits that closely spaced siblings in families compete for parental resources, leading to negative impacts. Additionally, the “selectivity explanation” suggests that families with many children may differ, affecting children’s mental health. Socioeconomically advantaged families in China and the US show better mental health outcomes, especially in one-child families in China and children with zero or one sibling in the US.