How to Stay Hydrated in the Winter

Scientists recommend that we always stay hydrated as water has many benefits. However, this can be difficult to ensure in the winter, as cold weather makes it hard to identify signs of dehydration. Despite this, experts believe it is even more important to stay hydrated during this weather. 

How the cold can cause dehydration

According to Dr. Saundra Nguyen, the assistant professor of Medicine at Baylor, blood vessels constrict during low temperatures to reduce heat loss and increase blood flow to vital organs. For this reason, people are less thirsty in the cold. But unfortunately, they also urinate more, which can cause excessive fluid loss and dehydration.

Scientists recommend that women should take about 2.7 liters of water daily. Men, on the other hand, should take about 3.7 liters. Taking the recommended amount of water is particularly important during winter when noticing dehydration is hard. Moreover, people lose moisture during the winter when they breathe in dry and cold air.

While exercise makes people thirstier during the winter, it is not as beneficial in observing dehydration as the signs are still subtle. Furthermore, people don’t notice how much they sweat when it is cold as the sweat evaporates quickly from the skin’s surface.

Fortunately, Dr. Nguyen gives the signs of dehydration during cold weather. They include increased frequency of urination, darker urine, poor concentration, dizziness, fatigue, dry skin and mucous membranes, and headache. Therefore, if anyone experiences these symptoms during cold weather, it could be beneficial to increase water intake as these are signs of dehydration.

How to stay hydrated during the winter

Dr. Nguyen states that there are ways to ensure you don’t get dehydrated. The first is to take water after getting up from bed. People could also have reusable water bottles to help monitor their water intake. In case you are forgetful, using a mobile app that gives notifications every time you need to take water could be helpful.

Eating water-rich food is crucial as we get most of our water from food. These foods are tomatoes, melons, berries, watermelons, and cucumbers. Additionally, you will need to take water more frequently if you wear multiple layers of clothing later in cold weather.