How To Treat Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety is a problem that everyone experiences. However, this doesn’t mean we shouldn’t learn how to manage it, as unmanaged stress can take a toll on your physical and mental health.

Anxiety can lead to panic attacks

When you go through anxiety, your body is in a state of constant flight or fight, which increases cortisol and heart rates. This mode can even manifest as a panic attack. To someone who has never had a panic attack, the feeling of your heart beating erratically could make you think you’re experiencing a heart attack. However, on an EKG, your heart will be working appropriately.

While panic attacks are common, they can cause cardinal issues if not managed. Anxiety disorders like panic attacks can increase the likelihood of having a heart attack or developing cardiac issues. For this reason, people with anxiety disorder should seek help from a therapist who will help them get to the root of their disorder.

Meditation for anxiety

Although some people with anxiety could get help after speaking to a therapist, this is not always the case. The reason is that anxiety is not always due to challenges you could be experiencing. It could instead be a result of chemical imbalances in the brain. In such a case, a patient could benefit from seeing a psychiatrist together with talk therapy.

In some cases, a psychiatrist will recommend medication for your anxiety. There are many different medications you could take to reduce anxiety disorder symptoms. These include the Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSSRIs), the first line of drugs for anxiety disorder.

SSRIs were initially given to patients with depression. However, researchers have shown that they can also help with anxiety. The second line of drugs for the disorder is benzodiazepines. These drugs work faster than SSRIs. However, they are only given as an alternative since patients can develop a dependency.

People with severe anxiety are more likely to develop insomnia and depression. The lack of sleep could cause fatigue which in turn lowers our immunity leaving us vulnerable to disease. They can also develop respiratory problems. This comes about from constantly breathing shallowly, thus lowering oxygen intake.