How To Win The Battle Against Flavored Tobacco

Cigarette smoking has been declining and just as well because tobacco is highly addictive, and it poses health risks. It has been linked to diabetes, lung disease, heart disease, and even cancer. The world is almost winning the war against the battle, but the final frontier is flavored tobacco commonly used in shisha.

Researchers believe that they have a new method that might prove effective against flavored tobacco. They suggest taking a public health approach that starts with banning flavored tobacco and involving tobacco retailers and public health officials will yield better results. The researchers also suggest conducting heavy advertisement campaigns through the media to push the anti-tobacco campaign further.

University of Hawaiʻi researchers conducted the study by interviewing tobacco experts in Canada and the U.S., particularly those that had previously been involved in evaluating and implementing bans on anti-flavored tobacco products. They evaluated the interviews to determine common trends.

What the researchers concluded from the study

One of the main findings regarding the research was that comprehensive product bans are more effective because they feature more straightforward regulations. In this case, flavored tobacco products are banned, which means there is no gray area. The approach will also be practical for retailers because they can tell customers that they do not stock banned products. Retailers should be treated as partners in anti-tobacco campaigns rather than treating them like businesses that require regulation.

The goal is to encourage a positive response from retailers while also leveraging their knowledge of tobacco products. Expert knowledge allows policymakers to implement and rollout efficient anti-tobacco policies while also aiding in creating educative content. The researchers also discovered that media campaigns also play a role in the war against tobacco. They provide awareness about the dangers of flavored tobacco while also educating the public on why such products will be outlawed. Involving the media facilitates successful policy implementation.

Tobacco regulation is rapidly becoming a major public health area, mostly due to the urgency to eliminate tobacco product use and educate people about associated dangers. Researchers believe that the research findings will allow regulators to take the right steps in eradicating the tobacco problem.