Living In Safer Neighbourhoods Associated With Reduced Risk Of Heart Disease

A recent study suggests that individuals who view their neighbourhoods as safe from crime are less likely to experience early death or heart attacks. The research indicates that those with lower crime-related worries had a nine-percent lower risk of premature death and a six-percent reduced chance of having a heart attack.

One’s surroundings play a role occurrence of heart disease

The study investigated the connection between neighbourhood characteristics and occurrences of cardiovascular disease and mortality. It involved 35,000 Chinese adults aged 35 to 70 from 115 communities (70 urban and 45 rural) across 12 provinces between 2005 and 2009. The median participant age was 51, with 60 percent being female.

Study author Dr Mengya Li said that there is growing evidence that the neighbourhood one lives in affects their health. Li said that the study highlights the significance of various environmental factors in promoting heart health and long life. These factors encompass feelings of safety, accessibility to amenities like shops, transportation, and parks, cleanliness, and a positive perception of the neighborhood as a suitable place for living and raising children.

The research examined eight key factors, including proximity to amenities, safety aspects like lighting and crime rates both day and night, and overall community contentment. Researchers examined connections between cumulative scores, various factors, and health results, considering variables such as age, gender, BMI, education, and income

Higher environment rating attributed to reduced risk of cardiovascular disease

Findings indicate that a higher neighborhood environment rating was associated with a decreased risk of major cardiovascular events and deaths. Safety from crime was the most important factor influencing health outcomes. A better neighborhood safety rating was linked to reduced mortality risk, lower cardiovascular disease-induced mortality risk, and decreased likelihood of major cardiovascular events.

Li concluded that that even though certain risk reductions are modest, their significance lies in their potential impact on a substantial population. These findings offer valuable insights for policymakers to counteract the negative health effects of unfavorable community conditions. Proposed actions include enhancing local facilities, transportation links, green spaces, street lighting, and creating pathways for pedestrian and cycling activities.