Millennials Belief That Eating Their Comfort Sick-Day Food Offers Relief In 30 Minutes

A survey of 2,000 millennial parents with school-aged children has revealed that consuming favorite sick-day foods offers relief in under 30 minutes. Top comfort foods include soup (65%), broth (42%), crackers (35%), and popsicles (35%).

Pasta and stew among popular comfort dishes for Americans

Certain less typical (though reasonably favored) soothing dishes comprise stew (21%) and pasta (14%). Although the roster of preferred foods on sick days is akin for children, adolescents experiencing discomfort are more inclined toward macaroni and cheese (23%), toasted bread (21%), custard (20%), and oatmeal (14%) compared to their guardians.

According to the survey, when asked about their least favorite sick-time meals, parents revealed that spicy foods (37%), chili (21%), and ginger (16%) were at the top of their list. Surprisingly, parents do not have the same fondness for mac and cheese as their kids, as 12%t admitted that it is their least favorite relief food.

The recent OnePoll survey for Delsym found that the average parent has been indulging in comfort foods like honey (27%) or toast (21%) for 13 years. Respondents reported experiencing illness three times annually, with symptoms spreading within 48 hours in 60% of cases, often starting with the child (68%) rather than the parents.

Families believe that resting aids recovery during sickness

Household responsibilities, including cleaning and chores (62%), errands (61%), and hobbies (53%), often take a backseat during illness recovery. Cooking is neglected by 36%, possibly due to 83% believing proper breaks aid recovery. Despite this, sick families bond over activities like watching TV (71%), napping (69%), enjoying hot drinks (50%), and cooking comfort meals (40%).

According to Albert So, Marketing Director, Upper Respiratory Brands at Reckitt, sickness can halt a household’s normal functioning. So emphasizes the importance of allowing the body to recover and indulging in favorite comfort foods, which can provide symptom relief and bring the family closer together.

Many parents prepare for sick days by buying over-the-counter medications (70%), monitoring household for symptoms (56%), and informing work or school (51%). Common reasons for absence from work and school include headaches (62%), congestion (57%), and sore throat (55%).