Mother Who Breastfeed Their Babies At Low Risk Of Type II Diabetes, Study Shows

A recent study suggests that breastfeeding can significantly reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes in new mothers. The research indicates that breastfeeding improves insulin cells production in the pancreas and enhances insulin sensitivity, providing long-term protection against the condition.

Nursing mothers at reduced risk of Type II Diabetes

Dr. Julie Hens, the lead investigator, states that previous studies have consistently shown that extended breastfeeding decreases a mother’s lifetime risk of Type 2 diabetes, but the precise mechanism behind this protective effect has been unclear.

The study was conducted on mice to examine the metabolic effects of breastfeeding versus non-breastfeeding and to investigate the metabolic changes caused by lactation. Female mice that had given birth were divided into two groups: one group nursed their offspring, while the other group was separated from their pups right after delivery.

In the study, researchers analyzed mice that had recently given birth and nursed their pups, comparing them to mice that had also given birth but did not nurse. The study found that both groups of mice had similar body weights, but the non-nursing mice showed an increase in a specific type of active fat like the visceral fat found in humans.

Visceral fat is a specific type of fat is known for increasing the likelihood of developing diabetes. Researchers found that mice that didn’t lactate had a lower number of insulin-producing cells in their pancreas.

Nursing helps reduce risk of diabetes due to weight reduction links

According to Dr. Hens, there is a common belief that nursing reduces the chances of developing diabetes due to its connection with weight reduction, thereby enhancing metabolism. Nevertheless, research conducted on women has revealed that this safeguarding impact remains unaffected by weight loss. Dr Hens added that the mouse-based investigation further validates these findings and indicates that nursing’s protective influence might be attributed to mechanisms that augment insulin-producing cell reserves and reduce overall resistance to insulin’s effects.

A family history of Type 2 diabetes can raise the risk, but genetics and lifestyle factors like exercise and diet also increase the risk.