New Nasal Drops Could Offer Relieve To Patients After Surgery

Researchers have found an experimental treatment for stroke that is effective even without immediate medical attention. It is important to note that swiftly getting a person to the hospital when a stroke is suspected can significantly impact their chances of a complete recovery.

C3a peptide enhances motor function after stroke

University of Gothenburg researchers conducted a study using complement peptide C3a on mice through nasal drops. The mice that received the C3a peptide showed improved motor function recovery after a stroke, further supporting previous research and enhancing the current study’s credibility.

Treatment initiated seven days after a stroke shows promise, offering hope to patients without immediate medical care or unresponsive to conventional therapies like mechanical clot removal or clot-dissolving drugs.

Gothenburg’s Sahlgrensk Academy’s Professor Marcela Pekna explained that with the approach it there is no need for urgent treatment. If implemented in clinical practice, this treatment could benefit all stroke patients, including those arriving at the hospital beyond the window for other interventions. Moreover, individuals who face disability following clot removal might witness significant enhancements through this approach.

According to Professor Milos Pekny, a participant in the study, the findings indicate that the C3a peptide exerts an impact on the role of astrocytes. These cells play a crucial role in regulating various functions of nerve cells within both normal and diseased brain conditions. The C3a peptide specifically influences the signaling processes initiated by astrocytes and directed towards nerve cells.

Stroke management crucial relative to immediate interventions

Ischemic stroke, which is the leading form of stroke, remains a primary contributor to enduring impairment, impacting both speech and mobility. The investigators underscore the notion that stroke management surpasses immediate interventions during the initial hours following symptom manifestation.

It is crucial to acknowledge the considerable potential for amelioration even in later stages. Due to the administration of the molecule in nasal drops, the treatment becomes amenable to home care by either family members or the patients themselves. Timing plays a critical role in the administration of the C3a peptide therapy since premature application may lead to heightened brain inflammation.