Olive Fruit Water Contains Polyphenols That Can Boost Performance During Exercise, Study Shows 

Incorporating olive oil into one’s diet can be a wise choice, especially when used to replace high-fat alternatives like margarine or butter. Recent research suggests that olive oil may also be beneficial for exercise and fitness. Although it may not be practical to carry an olive oil bottle to the gym, scientists at Anglia Ruskin University have discovered that a by-product of olive oil production, olive fruit water, may contain antioxidants that support the exercise. 

Olive fruit water’s antioxidant properties help during physical activity 

It is important to note that this is the first study to investigate the advantages of olive fruit water among individuals who engage in recreational physical activity. Olives are high in polyphenols, which have antioxidant properties. Furthermore, OliPhenolia, a commercial olive fruit water product, is hydroxytyrosol-rich and contains other phenolic compounds.

The study involved 29 individuals who engaged in recreational physical activity, all of whom were given either a placebo or OliPhenolia to consume for 16 consecutive days. Interestingly, researchers observed several beneficial effects on various metrics related to running performance. For example, participants who consumed OliPhenolia experienced improved breathing both at the onset of exercise and in terms of running efficiency and oxygen consumption during low-intensity workouts.

The study found that while high-intensity respiratory levels were generally not impacted, perceived exertion (which reflects how hard individuals felt their system was working) improved. Additionally, there were significant improvements in acute recovery after incremental exercise.

Olive fruit water has polyphenols beneficial during exercise 

Dr. Justin Roberts, the study’s lead author, explains that he has been intrigued by the potential exercise-related advantages offered by polyphenols found in foods like beetroot and cherries. However, consuming enough olives to derive similar benefits would require unrealistic quantities daily. As a result, the researchers sought to investigate the potential benefits of concentrated olive fruit water.

Olive fruit water contains hydroxytyrosol, just like olive oil, despite being a by-product. The water can be turned to be a dietary supplement. However, more research is necessary to ascertain the potential of olive fruit water in exercise.