Parent-Teen Relationships Influence Well-Being and Health In Early Adulthood

A recent study spanning 14 years and involving around 15,700 American adolescents aged 12 to 17 has shown that maintaining positive relationships with parents during early childhood and adolescence significantly impacts adult health and well-being.

Teens with good relationships with parents live a healthier life             

The research examined various factors, including parental warmth, shared time, communication, and academic expectations. Findings indicate that adolescents who positively perceived their relationships with their mothers and fathers experienced numerous benefits.

According to the study’s corresponding author Dr Carol Ford, the overall trend indicates that the strong relationships between parents and adolescents result in better well-being and health in young adulthood. However, Ford added that there is a need to enhance adolescent-parent relationships because they have long-term health benefits.

Individuals who exhibited elevated levels of positive factors experienced improved overall health in their 20s and 30s, greater optimism about the future, and happy romantic relationships. They also reported lower levels of depression and stress, as well as a reduced likelihood of smoking and using alcohol or drugs. Additionally, the study revealed a decreased probability of unplanned pregnancies.

Dr Ford asserts that developmental science affirms the importance of positive parenting relationships in the health of children and teenagers. This study builds upon existing literature by proposing connections between these relationships and health outcomes until the age of 30. These outcomes encompass various aspects of health, including overall well-being, sexual health, substance use, and mental health during young adulthood.

Relationships with parents influence early adulthood health

According to the findings, adolescents perceive their relationships with their mothers and fathers influence their health in early adulthood, regardless of factors such as biological sex, family structure, ethnicity and race, socioeconomic status, and history of child maltreatment.

The study reveals that enhancing the quality of parenting relationships can significantly positively affect important health behaviours and outcomes among young adults. These benefits extend beyond adolescence and impact various areas of health relevant to young adult populations. The researchers emphasize the importance of involving both mothers and fathers in these interventions, even though there is often a predominant focus on mothers in outreach efforts.