Quality Sleep Improves Adherence To Exercise and Dietary Goals, Study Shows

According to a recent study conducted in collaboration with the American Heart Association, obtaining adequate sleep can enhance compliance with exercise and diet objectives. In addition, the researchers found that individuals who enjoyed consistent and uninterrupted sleep were likelier to stick to their weight loss plans.

Adequate sleep can help individuals with dietary and exercise goals

Participants with higher sleep health scores, determined by factors such as regularity, alertness, satisfaction, timing, efficiency, and duration, demonstrated a greater tendency to adhere to recommended daily calorie intake and exercise routines compared to those with lower sleep health scores.

Dr Christopher Kline, the lead author of the study and an associate professor at the University of Pittsburgh, suggests that getting sufficient sleep, around seven to nine hours per night with a consistent wake time, and feeling refreshed and alert during the day may be a crucial factor in maintaining physical activity and dietary goals. In a previous study, it was found that better sleep health was linked to greater weight and fat loss in participants of a year-long behavioural weight loss program.

The study investigated the relationship between sleep health and adherence to lifestyle changes in a one-year weight loss program. The program consisted of 125 adults, predominantly women of 50 years, that were obese or overweight but didn’t need dietary or physical activity supervision.

Sleep health related to lifestyle modifications

Participants were assessed at the start, six months, and 12 months into the program to evaluate sleep habits. The assessment involved the use of patient questionnaires, sleep diaries, and data collected from a wrist-worn device that monitored sleep, rest, and waking activity.

The study found an unexpected association between sleep health and lifestyle modification measures. The researchers suggest that improving sleep may lead to better adherence to lifestyle changes. However, the sample primarily consisted of White females, raising questions about generalizability. Future research is needed to explore whether improving sleep can increase adherence to lifestyle modifications and enhance weight loss. The timing of sleep enhancement interventions in relation to starting a weight-loss program is also a topic for further investigation.