Research Shows That Pollution Could Be Causing Cardiovascular Issues and More Deaths

A recent study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology reveals that pollution now poses a greater threat to human life than war, terrorism, deadly diseases, drugs, and alcohol combined. According to the study, pollutants and climate change are responsible for approximately seven million deaths globally each year, surpassing the combined fatalities from major health and safety threats.

Pollution causing more deaths globally

Professor Jason Kovacic, Director and CEO of the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute in Australia, explains that pollution plays an increasingly significant role in the global death toll, particularly through cardiovascular disease, which claims around 20 million lives annually. The study identifies not only the well-known pollutants such as car exhausts and factory emissions but also less obvious ones like soil pollution, noise pollution, light pollution, and exposure to toxic chemicals in homes.

Daily life routines expose individuals to a myriad of pollutants including disrupted sleep due to streetlights and traffic noise, exposure to car fumes and urban noise pollution during commutes, and the use of household products containing untested chemicals.

The world is witnessing extreme weather events, such as unprecedented wildfires and soaring temperatures, along with pervasive road noise and light pollution in cities, and exposure to potentially harmful chemicals at home. Prof Kovacic explains that heart strain during heatwaves can exacerbate health issues like acute kidney failure.

Air pollution linked to cardiovascular problems

For instance, air pollution alone is linked to over seven million premature deaths annually, with a significant portion due to heart problems. On the other hand light and noise pollution can result in poor sleep which can result in inflammation and increase blood pressure.

To combat this crisis, researchers recommend increase of green spaces, using clean energy, creating awareness son dangers of pollution and educating medics on the health impacts of various pollutants.

Professor Kovacic envisions a future where routine testing for pollutants becomes standard, much like lead testing for children in the U.S. However, he emphasizes the urgency of immediate action to address the pervasive infiltration of pollution in our environment and its severe health impacts.