Researchers Develop New Quantum Teleportation Technique That Beats Noise Disruption

Researchers have accomplished a breakthrough akin to “Star Trek” teleportation, achieving near-perfect quantum teleportation despite disruptive noise.

Quantum teleportation is a method where the state of a quantum particle, called a qubit, is moved from one place to another without moving the particle itself. It relies on quantum elements like entanglement between pairs of qubits for the transfer.

New quantum teleportation technique relies on qubit

The process involves transmitting a secret message to a distant location without physical transfer. Instead, an identical copy is created at the receiving end, while the original is destroyed. It is important to note that theoretically perfect, real-world teleportation is susceptible to noise and disruptions, akin to interference in communications, which can degrade its quality.

The University of Science and Technology of China and The University of Turku in Finland have collaborated on a study published in Science Advances, introducing a novel quantum teleportation technique. This method addresses noise issues, achieving a notable success rate. Their approach relies on multipartite hybrid entanglement, effectively entangling qubits with their local environments in a controlled manner.

New teleportation technique mitigates external disruptions

The study explores a novel approach to distributing entanglement before executing teleportation, leveraging hybrid entanglement across various physical dimensions. This method, akin to combining two separate pieces of information to enhance message transmission resilience, aims to mitigate external interference or noise.

Researchers utilized photons to encode qubits, with polarization representing quantum states and frequencies as local environments. They engineered initial correlations between photon polarization and frequency to create a hybrid-entangled state.

The process involves the sender manipulating their photon to remove initial correlations, then making a joint measurement on their part of an entangled pair and the qubit to be teleported. This measurement entangles the sender’s qubits and transforms the entanglement on the receiver’s side. The receiver then performs an operation based on the sender’s measurement result and subjects their photon to dephasing, converting the entanglement into the desired quantum state.

Dr. Zhao-Di Liu from the University of Science and Technology of China expresses excitement over the successful completion of a challenging teleportation experiment involving photons after numeroous quantum physic experiments.