Researchers Develop New Technique That Can Predict Presence Of Alien Life

Researchers from the SETI Institute, Berkeley SETI Research Center, and the University of Washington have introduced a new technique dubbed the SETI Ellipsoid to detect signals from extraterrestrial life. This innovative approach marks a significant advancement in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) by utilizing data from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) mission.

SETI Ellipsoid could enable scientists study extraterrestrial life

The SETI Ellipsoid method suggests that extraterrestrial civilizations may utilize galactic events like supernovae to broadcast signals indicating their presence. This technique seeks to detect technosignatures by observing these events and their surroundings for signs of advanced technology.

Researchers have demonstrated that the SETI Ellipsoid method can greatly improve our capacity to detect potential signals. This technique incorporates continuous, wide-field sky surveys and addresses timing uncertainties related to signal arrival by extending observations over a year for thorough coverage.

Recent sky surveys offer unprecedented chances to detect technosignatures in conjunction with supernovae, according to Bárbara Cabrales, a research intern at Berkeley SETI Research Center. With timing uncertainties around a couple of months, it’s crucial to identify targets extensively monitored over approximately a year. Cabrales adds that maximizing observations for each target aids in distinguishing normal behavior from potential technosignatures.

In a comprehensive study, researchers examined data from the TESS continuous viewing zone and Gaia Early Data Release 3, covering five percent of TESS data over three years. They pinpointed 32 promising targets within the SETI Ellipsoid in the southern TESS zone with precise location data. While no anomalies were initially detected in TESS light curves, this research sets the stage for future, more extensive exploration efforts.

Latest method offers a flexible framework for SETI searches

Gaia’s accurate distance estimates enable cross-matching with surveys like TESS, improving monitoring for extraterrestrial intelligence. This method offers a flexible framework for future SETI searches, facilitating retrospective data analysis and proactive campaign planning.

The search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) is compared to finding a needle in a 9-dimensional haystack, says Dr. Sofia Sheikh of the SETI Institute. Prioritizing search areas, like with the SETI Ellipsoid, could offer shortcuts to promising regions. This approach sets a precedent for future large survey projects such as the LSST.