Researchers Overcome Polarization Drifts And Noise By Developing Quantum Internet

The future of the internet is poised for a transformation with the advent of quantum internet. Harvard University physicists have made significant progress, showcasing that this advanced network could potentially be implemented across a major city such as Boston.

Quantum internet transmits data using qubits

A quantum internet is an advanced concept envisioned as the future of data transmission, leveraging principles of quantum physics. Unlike the current internet, which transmits data through bits (1s and 0s), a quantum internet would utilize qubits. Qubits are unique quantum particles capable of existing as 1s, 0s, or both simultaneously in a superposition state.

Using qubits for data transmission and processing provides significant benefits. It ensures secure encryption by detecting any eavesdropping attempts and supports the development of extremely fast quantum computers capable of solving problems that current computers cannot handle.

The primary obstacle in establishing a quantum internet is the difficulty of sharing qubits over long distances. Regular internet cables are unsuitable for this purpose because qubits are highly sensitive and their quantum properties can be easily disrupted by even minimal external interference.

The Harvard researchers propose utilizing qubits to share quantum entanglement across different locations. Entanglement is a unique phenomenon where particles remain interconnected, influencing each other instantaneously regardless of distance. This method allows for the transmission of secure information and leverages the capabilities of quantum computing and sensing.

Quantum internet based on entanglement developed

Researchers have made significant progress toward developing a quantum internet based on entanglement. In a recent study published in Nature, they successfully entangled two diamond crystals situated six meters apart in separate laboratories, linked by telecommunications fiber optic cables.

Scientists developed a novel method to transfer quantum data using entangled electron spin qubits and nuclear spin qubits in diamonds. They converted the data into photons, which transferred entanglement between distant nodes. This photon-mediated entanglement enables efficient quantum communication.

Researchers have achieved significant progress in quantum entanglement, establishing “entanglement links” spanning up to 40 kilometers, with an enduring link lasting over a second. This breakthrough showcases readiness for practical application overcoming real-world challenges like noise and polarization drifts.