Social Media Users Could Be Experiencing Anxiety Over Login Issues

Social media, a platform for sharing photos and videos, is beloved by many. Yet, excessive use may cause unsettling nightmares, according to recent research.

According to the study in BMC Psychology “social media-related nightmares,” which are new nightmares triggered by the stresses of online experiences, are on the rise. These nightmares may disrupt sleep patterns and lead to nighttime awakenings, serving as stressors for users.

What triggers social media nightmares?

The study on social media nightmares developed a questionnaire called the Social Media-Related Nightmare Scale (SMNS) to measure distressing dreams’ frequency and content. It surveyed 595 Iranian adults, mainly Instagram users, finding a connection between intense social media use and experiencing these unsettling dreams, although their overall frequency was low.

Individuals with heightened social media involvement, spending extensive time on platforms and feeling deep emotional ties, were prone to encountering nightmares linked to social media. Predominant nightmares encompassed difficulties logging into social media and disturbances in online relationships.

Researchers reveals that frequent social media-related nightmares are linked to increased anxiety, reduced peace of mind, poor sleep quality, and heightened distress. These findings indicate that our online activities might be adversely affecting our mental health and well-being through such nightmares.

Nightmares related with technology to rise with AI adoption

The study suggests that although there is inconclusive prove that social media causes nightmares, it important to be cautious about online activities. With social media becoming more integrated into our lives, it’s essential to establish healthy boundaries to safeguard mental well-being, both during waking hours and sleep.

The continuous progress in technology and media, such as AI and virtual reality, and the growing reliance on these advancements suggest a rise in dreams incorporating technological and media elements. Co-author Reza Shabahang from Flinders University highlights this trend, suggesting that future research could further investigate areas like nightmares associated with AI’s perceived risks.

To reduce the likelihood of social media-related issues, Shabahang suggests being mindful of our emotions and actions on these platforms. This includes setting usage limits, being selective with content, and taking breaks when feeling stressed.