Studies Reveal Mindfulness Improves Mental Wellbeing

Scientists have cross-examined over 200 studies that prove mindfulness is a good way to improve mental wellbeing. The studies indicated mindfulness is effective for decreasing anxiety, depression, and stress levels. There are suggestions that the therapy was productive in treating people with additional problems, traumatic pain, and depression. The art of mindfulness is about focusing attention on the present situation. A person directs all their awareness on their body sensations such as breath, the present feelings, and thoughts. The person under therapy also observes those feelings and just notes them instead of responding to them. A key thing is to experience the present moment and thoughts without judgment.

A research team from the University of Cambridge claimed not all clinical settings are favorable to conduct the study. However, the researchers proved the ability to reduce stress levels and anxiety through mindfulness. But they noted mindfulness might not be any better than other existing mental wellbeing approaches.

The Nation Health Service provides mindfulness-based therapies to treat mental health issues in the United Kingdom. The therapists concentrate on mental health complications such as suicidal thoughts and depression. However, mental health researchers found out several community settings could be effective for practicing mindfulness. Besides clinics, private courses, workplaces, and university campuses are also effective.

Mindfulness – A Universal Mental Health Tool

Mental health professionals have been promoting mindfulness programs as a universal tool for curbing anxiety, reducing stress, and curing depression.

Nevertheless, scholars have performed several randomized controlled trials on the result of in-person mindfulness training. The problem is these studies have shown varying results.

For example, the University of Cambridge’s Department of Psychiatry run a meta-analysis on RCTs. The analysis was for combining all existing studies and establishing a clear conclusion on the impact of mindfulness on mental wellbeing. The research found 136 RCTs for promoting mental health in community settings using mindfulness training. These trials were run across 11,605 participants between the ages of 18-73. The studies involved over 29 countries and at least 77% of the participants were women.

The meta-analysis found the mindfulness approach worked in community settings as a way of reducing anxiety, stress, and depression. However, the analysis noted one in twenty trials did not work in the improvement of mental wellbeing among participants.

However, despite the varying results – the studies still reveal compared to doing nothing, mindfulness training comes in handy in ensuring you have a healthy mental life.