Study Shows That People Who Go On Brisk Walks Are More Likely to Live Longer

A study by the University of Leicester has found that frequently going on brisk walks could give people 16 more years to live. The reason is that brisk walking could help people develop long telomeres.

Telomeres are protective caps at the end of chromosomes. They do not contain DNA. However, they are essential in stabilising chromosomes. Researchers have found that these telomeres demonstrate a person’s biological age, different from the chronological age. The longer the telomere, the younger the biological age.

How researchers conducted the study

The team analysed 400,000 adults from the U.K Biobank. They found that people who frequently took brisk walks were approximately 16 younger by the time they were at their biological age. This was independent of the amount of physical exercise someone did.

The team explains that telomeres shorten with the splitting of cells. Eventually, due to excessive splitting, the telomeres are not long enough for the cell to divide. Researchers were unable to correlate telomeres to disease. However, they found that the buildup of dying or elderly cells increased the risk of age-related illnesses.

Researchers have confirmed the effect of brisk walks on telomeres

This study is the first to demonstrate the benefits of walking on longevity. Others have shown that walking is good for your social, physical and mental health. Moreover, studies have been done on telomere length with longevity, but the results have been inconsistent.

The researchers explain that this study relies on genetic information to give information on how brisk walking affects the length of telomeres. It also helped them confirm that people who habitually walk slower are at an increased risk of age-related illness.

The study also shows that steps could work to prevent chronic and age-related diseases as it encourages people to walk faster. However, researchers need to conduct more studies to confirm this finding.

The team believe that this study could be essential in prolonging the lives of human beings. Moreover, it could encourage people to live healthier lives to avoid age-related diseases. More experts may recommend this as an intervention measure for ageing or unhealthy people to improve their health.