Sucking The Stomach To Attain A Flat Tummy Is Unhealthy

The abdominal muscles play a crucial role in stabilizing the body, protecting the spine, and maintaining organ position. Imbalances caused by health issues or unnecessary muscle tension can result in “hourglass syndrome,” altering the abdominal wall’s structure and potentially forming a noticeable crease in the midsection. If untreated, this can impact internal organs and other body areas.

Hourglass syndrome caused by four actors

The hourglass syndrome arises from four primary factors, all leading to an incongruity in the operation of the abdominal muscles. The first cause results from congenital conditions like omphacele or gastroschisis which can cause incorrect development of abdominal muscles resulting in muscle imbalances.

Inadequate posture represents an additional factor. This prompts the spine to deviate from its typical curvature, causing adverse alterations in the stress and operation of the abdominal muscles, ultimately giving rise to imbalances. Discomfort in the abdominal region (stemming from issues with the stomach, gallbladder, or liver) may likewise induce an individual to consciously or subconsciously engage their abdominal muscles, aiming to alleviate or prevent the discomfort.

Sucking the stomach to attain a flat tummy causes hourglass syndrome

The hourglass syndrome can also be triggered by body image concerns, an escalating problem. Individuals feeling body insecurity or desiring a flat stomach may contract their abdominal muscles to achieve this appearance.

Contracting the rectus abdominis muscles, often called the “six-pack,” by sucking the stomach leads to the activation of the upper stomach muscles due to the higher fat storage in the lower abdomen. Over time, this can result in a fold or crease in the abdomen and a raised belly button.

Irrespective of the reason – whether done intentionally or involuntarily – stomach sucking exerts added force on the lower back and neck. This occurs due to the necessity for these areas to counterbalance shifts in core steadiness.

Compressing the abdominal region also diminishes the available space for the positioning of internal abdominal organs leading to pressure in both the upper and lower ends. This upper pressure has an impact on the process of respiration, as it restricts the diaphragm from descending to its fullest extent during inhalation.