The Causes of Sore Throats in Children

Sore throats are common in children. Most times, parents don’t have to worry. However, sometimes there can be an indication of something else. Parents need to learn how to feel these two situations apart when assessing the severity of their child’s sore throat.

How to tell a sore throat is severe

There are guidelines for parents to determine if a sore is an emergency.

For instance, when a child demonstrates difficulty breathing, swallowing, and drooling during a sore throat, it could be because of a restricted airway.

If your child is too exhausted and has an unusually high fever that won’t disappear when you give them acetaminophen or ibuprofen, then it could be a sign of severe infection. Parents should also watch out for severe pain.

If any of these signs occur, then it is vital to take your child to the emergency room, where they could receive urgent care. Fortunately, for most parents, sore throats are rarely severe.

Causes of sore throat 

One cause of sore throats is viruses. When a child presents with diarrhea, abdominal pain, fever, cough, and a runny nose apart from a sore throat, then a virus is most likely the cause. These symptoms can indicate many viruses. However, with the COVID-19 pandemic, it is essential first to test your child for COVID-19 if they show any of the signs.

Bacteria such as Streptococcus can also be responsible for a sore throat. If your child has a fever but no runny nose, they most likely have a bacterial infection. If you suspect strep, watch out for a rash, stomach ache, or headache.

Another cause of sore throats is an allergy. Allergies can cause a stuffy nose that forces children to breathe through their nose leading to dry mouth. Sometimes, it can be challenging to differentiate a sore throat caused by a virus and one caused by an allergy. For this reason, parents need to watch out for itchy eyes, sneezing, and a stuffy nose. In this case, treating the allergy will alleviate the symptoms.

Gastroesophageal reflux in children can cause a sore throat. In this case, it is vital to treat the underlying condition to reduce the frequency of the child developing a sore throat.