The Path To Online Education During The Digital Age

The coronavirus pandemic has made it apparent that there is a need to focus heavily on online education especially now that digital technology has evolved enough to support its existence.

We have seen various initiatives aimed at providing online education during the lockdowns but is clear that there is no coordinated approach but rather a fragmented one that is based on the one that educators deem best. For example, some teachers and schools have taken the initiative to provide online classes through video conferencing while others compile videos of the coursework and upload it on school websites.

Challenges to the online education pursuit

Online learning has for the most part been treated as a supplementary approach to the traditional classroom learning approach and that is perhaps why it has not received much attention. It might also be due to the numerous challenges that stand in the way. For example, not all students have access to a good internet connection or computers and tablets through which they can access the right education material.

Not all students grasp concepts the same and so a standardized approach might not be ideal. This adds an extra challenge to the problem of having to come up with standardized e-learning guidelines for schools, especially when it comes to higher education.

An engaging approach is still the goal

An online approach where the students are able to interact digitally with the teachers is currently considered the best way forward. This is because it still allows for engaging sessions which is a good thing since engagement is a vital part of the learning process.

The government needs to get involved in the providing more support to the online education pursuit especially now that the coronavirus has uncovered the need for online-based learning. If the government can provide the necessary resources to ensure adequate access, then perhaps it might go a long way in enabling more coordinated efforts in the e-learning space. There is a need to develop proper course structures and well-thought-out lessons. The solutions need to ensure that teachers are still a vital part of the process and that they facilitate interaction with students for more engagement efficiency.