The US Believes Soccer Officials Received Bribes To Award World Cup To Qatar And Russia

It was on Monday that the United States Department of Justice gave its take on the allegations facing Qatar and Russia. There have been ongoing investigations and indictments and it is great that the court has finally given its verdict. After looking closely into the matter, the court says that it is now convinced that the two bribed a section of the FIFA officials in a bid to gain hosting rights. That put the other countries wanting the opportunity to host the men’s soccer World Cup at a disadvantage.

In their indictment, the prosecutors are said to have done a great job proving the employment of a remarkable scheme that worked for Qatar and Russia. It had helped them succeed in their quest to obtain the votes to support them in getting the hosting rights for the world’s largest sporting event.

This is not the first time corruption allegations are being raised in line with soccer officials and executives. The only difference this time around is that the prosecutors have brought out the matter in a more vivid way. They are said to have presented details showing that money was paid to about five members working with the body.

A person well conversant with the matter has come out clearly to point to a corruption case with some three South American officials. These officials are said to have accepted payments that triggered them to vote for Qatar.

The names of the officials have been clearly outlined and one of them is Argentina’s Julio Grondona said to have died back in 2014. Nicolás Leoz is the second one and he is said to have died in the previous year. By the time of his death, he had been under house arrest. Ricardo Teixeira was the third and he had been the leader of soccer in Brazil. This one is still alive and reports show that he is not in any extradition treaty with the US.

It was back in 2015 that Leoz and Teixeira were indicted on grounds that they were involved in bribery schemes in line with the sale of lucrative soccer rights.