There is More Sugar in Packaged Food Than Indicated on Labels, Report Shows

According to the latest research, added sugars are included in 2/3 of all packaged goods on grocery store shelves, including a few people might not suspect. However, these foods can be difficult to detect because of the ambiguous terminology used by food producers.

Most packaged foods have more sugar than indicated 

According to the annual FoodSwitch: State of the Food Supply report, there are over 400 different names used to describe added sugars in packaged food labels. As a result, it may find it had to identify and cut back as recommended in the Australian Dietary Guidelines. 

Dr. Daisy Coyle, a George Institute Dietician, said that the “added sugar by stealth” means that some Australians might be taking almost 22 teaspoons daily, which is almost twice the recommended limit by the World Health Organization. Daisy said that too much sugar might contribute to the increasing obesity rates and related chronic diseases like stroke, cardiovascular disease, and Type 2 diabetes.  

She explains that while most people acknowledge that too much sugar is bad for them, cutting back is challenging, especially when it is difficult to tell how much sugar is in the packaged food they buy. 

Woolworths brands have the highest HSR rating

George Institute scientists employed Government-created Health Star Rating in assessing more than 25,000 packaged foods and beverages offered in grocery stores in Australia. The report found that out of the top four grocery stores, Woolworths brands had the largest overall healthiness rating, followed by IGA and Coles in second place and ALDI being the least healthy. 

According to Doyle, there has been minimal change in the past regarding the food supply’s overall healthiness, indicating that a different approach is necessary. She added that the biggest impediment to the HSR program’s success is being voluntary, which means there is no level playing field. 

Although the top 20 manufacturers have higher uptake rates at around 70%, there is considerable variation, with Peters Ice Cream products showing an HSR on the pack of more than 96% for The Smith’s Snackfood Company products.