It is surprising how much one can save just by taking advantage of cash back offers. Unfortunately, most credit cards offer rebates for specific purchases that you may not plan for, which means that the only way to get the cash back is to spend on a particular item or at a particular time when the cash back offer is active.
Fortunately, there are flat rate cash back cards that allow card holders to eliminate the hassle of having to keep tabs with rebate offers. These cards allow people to take advantage of cashback offers with ease through the kind of purchases that are made on a daily basis. Here are some of the best flat rate cash back cards that might be ideal for you:
This American Express-issued card will provide a $200 cash back for purchases worth at least $1,000 within the first three months of securing the card. The amount is refunded as a statement credit. Some of the other notable features include:
The card an unlimited cash back at 1.5% for all purchases on a daily basis, thus no cap. Cardholders are eligible for a $200 cash bonus for the first $500 that they spend using the card within the first three months after receiving the card. Some of the other notable benefits of this card include:
Cardholders who own this card will be eligible for a $200 cashback for the first $500 that they spend within the first three months after card issuance. Some of the other perks include:
You will receive a $100 cashback for the first $500 spent within the first three months. Other perks include