US Parents Express Concerns About The Effects Of The Deadly Corona Scourge On The Education Of Their Children

The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic continue to be felt in almost every part of the world. Businesses have been locked shutdown, cultures changed and social distancing becomes the new norm. Uncertainty about what the future brings with the spread of the virus ongoing is a matter that has plunged many in a state of worry. The US parents are quite stressed up, and the one thing that continues to put most of them on the edge is the extended school closure.

Parents have to get more involved

Parents care about the education of the children and thus see the extended school closures as a matter that will hit their children with a huge impact. The children seem quite bored back at home and there are reports that some even break down at times.

Complaints continue to be raised with a large section of parents outlining that some of the teachers haven’t been giving out enough work to learners. It is a time that is demanding for the parents to be much more quite involved in the lives of their children. They have to constantly keep checking on their children to ensure that they are doing the right thing when it comes to their school work. Some of these learners are said to taking on some particular apps that they concentrate on instead of focussing on learning.

The worries among the parents range from fears that the remote assignments don’t matter at all to kids falling behind. It is becoming much clearer that most of the people are quite disappointed about the role the schools have been playing during this regrettable season. They haven’t been offering the much-needed support to the children during this unprecedented crisis.

Education researchers and sociologists take

Education researchers and sociologists have come out to admit that the coronavirus pandemic has had adverse effects on the U.S. education sector. They move ahead to outing that the mops hit are the learners who have been plunged to a state of uncertainty.

The president and CEO of the Education Trust John B. King Jr has termed the learners as a vulnerable lot that is paying quite a huge price during the current crisis. He gets more particular with those kids struggling with disabilities as well as those that have been counting on their schools to obtain some essential services. Such learners depended on their schools for crisis support and counseling and everything seems to have fallen apart at this point.