Vitamin D Supplements Could Reduce Mortality In Cancer Patients, Study Shows

A recent study conducted by the German Cancer Research Center (GCRC) suggests that vitamin D, which is naturally produced in response to sunlight, can improve the health of cancer patients. The study, which analyzed 14 high-quality research projects involving approximately 105,000 participants, found that daily vitamin D supplements could reduce cancer mortality among patients by up to 12 per cent.

Vitamin D deficiency linked to poor cancer prognosis

Vitamin D deficiency is widespread globally, including among cancer patients. In Germany, approximately 15% of adults lack vitamin D. A study on colorectal cancer patients revealed that 59% were deficient in vitamin D3. Furthermore, vitamin D3 deficiency was linked to a poor cancer prognosis.

Several studies have explored the impact of vitamin D supplementation on cancer development and prognosis. According to current research, it is unlikely that vitamin D3 supplementation prevents cancer, but it may decrease the risk of dying from cancer. However, previous studies have produced conflicting results on cancer mortality, leading researchers to re-evaluate existing studies to provide reliable conclusions on this important health issue.

Vitamin D supplements could benefit cancer patients

Researchers conducted a thorough literature search to examine the impact of vitamin D3 on cancer mortality rates and the survival of cancer patients. They identified 14 high-quality studies involving approximately 105,000 participants. These studies randomly assigned participants to a vitamin D3 or a placebo group.

The combined analysis of 14 studies did not show any significant results. However, a notable difference was observed when the studies were categorized based on participants’ daily intake of vitamin D3 in low doses or higher doses at longer intervals.

Among four studies with infrequent higher doses, there was no effect on cancer mortality. In contrast, a summary of 10 studies involving daily dosing revealed a statistically significant 12% reduction in cancer mortality.

German Cancer Research Center epidemiologist Ben Schöttker reported that there was a noteworthy decrease in cancer mortality through the administration of un-targeted vitamin D3. This finding suggests that the impact is likely even more pronounced among those specifically deficient in vitamin D.