How To Order The Ultimate Coffee

Like cars need gas, most humans need coffee to function. No wonder why it’s one of the most popular beverage on earth. However, most of us don’t explore the great qualities of coffee. In this guide we will try to suggest which guidelines you should follow in order to buy the best coffee to fit your taste.
Like cars need gas, most humans need coffee to function. No wonder why it’s one of the most popular beverage on earth. However, most of us don’t explore the great qualities of coffee. In this guide we will try to suggest which guidelines you should follow in order to buy the best coffee to fit your taste.

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There are many great brands to buy coffee from. But, we want you to know how to read the labels and detect if a certain coffee is as rich as advertised or if the name of the brand is what sells it. For instance, coffee capsules are a great solution for many people. However, grounded coffee lacks the incredible flavors that a good coffee has. When going to buy coffee one has to look at the following aspects: Freshness, Quality, Origin and Roasting Level. Like all beverages, taste is in the mouth of the beholder. If a person likes really bad coffee it’s his right. But, if you are looking to explore the wide variety of coffee you should taste a lot of types.

There are many great brands to buy coffee from. But, we want you to know how to read the labels and detect if a certain coffee is as rich as advertised or if the name of the brand is what sells it. For instance, coffee capsules are a great solution for many people. However, grounded coffee lacks the incredible flavors that a good coffee has. When going to buy coffee one has to look at the following aspects: Freshness, Quality, Origin and Roasting Level. Like all beverages, taste is in the mouth of the beholder. If a person likes really bad coffee it’s his right. But, if you are looking to explore the wide variety of coffee you should taste a lot of types.


Fresh coffee is the best. You should ground the coffee beans as closely as possible to the making of the coffee. However, season of production and roasting date should be indicated on the package. After roasting, the flavors of the coffee degrade quickly. The general recommendation is to consume the coffee two weeks after the roasting. If you don’t own a coffee grinder, you should. It’s cheap, easy to use and will boost your enjoyment out of the coffee.


Once roasted all coffee beans look the same. However, there is a huge difference in the coffee blend between Arabica and Robusta. Most of the coffee consumed in the world comes from these two types. Arabica beans are considered more prestigious than Robusta. Arabica tends to have a sweeter and softer taste with fruits and berries. Their acidity is higher but there are lower levels of caffeine in it. Arabica on the other hand has a stronger taste and a peanuty aftertaste. It is easier to grow Robusta and it’s prices are usually lower than Arabica. But, certain types of Robusta are better for espresso due to their deep flavor and excellent crema.


Robusta comes mostly from countries like Indonesia, India, Ethiopia and Kenya while Arabica comes mostly from Brazil and Colombia. The different climate produces different beans with different qualities. For instance, subtropical regions that have a definite rainy and dry season are optimal for Arabica. Arabica is only grown in altitudes between 1800-3600 feet. These conditions generate one growing season and one maturation season. While Robusta is more common in equatorial regions, the frequent rain determines continuing flowering that results two coffee harvesting seasons. The drying of the fruit is done with artificial mechanics and not the sun. The different weather conditions will result very different tastes and it’s on you to decide which one you like more.

Roasting Level

You can roast your coffee at home, but if you choose to buy roasted coffee you should know the different type of roastings. There are three levels of roasting: Light roast, medium roast and dark roast. the difference between them is the temperature. In light roasting, temperatures reach 385 °F. when the first cracks appear the roasting is complete. Usually, light roasting features less sweetness, more acidity and a raw flavor. medium roast is done at 410 °F and it’s sweeter with less acidity. Dark roast which is common in France and Italy is done at 450 °F, almost burning the dried fruit. Any origin characteristics have become eclipsed by roast at this level.


If you like instant coffee or coffee in capsules, this guide might have been redundant for you. However, we want you to experiment with coffee. Many people drink coffee every day and while we often stick to a very few brands, we believe that enhancing your coffee experience could make you a little happier during the day. We can say that fresh coffee is the best, other than that, it’s a matter of taste. Roasting level, quality and origin have a significant part in determining the taste of the coffee and it’s up to you to choose what’s the best for you.

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