Best Credit Cards To Improve Credit Score

If you have a poor or no credit history, it is usually difficult to get a credit card. Your credit worthiness is determined by what is called your credit score, calculated by the major credit reporting agencies. Any score below 400 is considered a poor credit score.
If you have a poor or no credit history, it is usually difficult to get a credit card. Your credit worthiness is determined by what is called your credit score, calculated by the major credit reporting agencies. Any score below 400 is considered a poor credit score.

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However, there are some credit cards that you can obtain even with a poor credit score. Plus, by responsibly using these cards and making consistent and timely payments, you will actually be able to improve your credit score. In doing so, you will eventually have the capability to obtain a wider range and more favorable credit options. The cards listed below are some of the best credit cards that can improve your credit score.

However, there are some credit cards that you can obtain even with a poor credit score. Plus, by responsibly using these cards and making consistent and timely payments, you will actually be able to improve your credit score. In doing so, you will eventually have the capability to obtain a wider range and more favorable credit options. The cards listed below are some of the best credit cards that can improve your credit score.

Capital One Platinum Credit Card - Unsecured

This card is special, because unlike the other card options – Capital One’s card is a regular unsecured credit credit. Although they will start you out with a minimal credit line, you do not have to pay a deposit to get this card like you do with a secured card. Overtime, with responsible use and a good payment record, you will be eligible for credit line increases.

Interest Rate: 22.99%

Annual Fee: NONE

BankAmericard Secured Credit Card

This giant well known bank offers this card to people with poor credit. It is a secured card, meaning you have to give them a deposit to get this card. However, they will periodically review your account to see if they can refund your deposit. This is a good choice to rebuild credit with, as it will give you a relationship with one of the country’s biggest lenders.

Minimum Deposit: $300

Annual Fee: None

Interest Rate: 22.99%

SKYPASS Visa Secured Card

This secured card has built in travel awards points. Although the card is linked directly to Korean Air, the travel awards are usable on any airline that is part of the large SkyTeam Alliance.

Minimum Deposit: $300

Annual Fee: $50

Interest Rate: 16.24%

Can upgrade to an unsecured card after 12 months.

Travel awards of 1 mile for each $1 spent with the card.

Discover it Secured Card

The Discover credit card company offers this secured card that also comes with some nice cashback features.

Minimum Deposit: $200

Annual Fee: None

Interest Rate: 22.99%

Can upgrade to an unsecured card after 8 months.

Cashback rewards: 4% for gas and restaurant purchases, 2% on other purchases for the first year – reduced to 2% and 1% thereafter.

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