Study Finds That Americans Don’t Eat Healthy Snacks

In Education

A survey conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Go Raw asked 2000 Americans about their snacking habits. About 7 in 10 of the participants said that they always have a snack with them. Another 69% said they carry snacks with them when they have to leave the house.

Rather than make a balanced meal, about 51% of the participants will eat snack foods about three times a week. Another 6 in 10 said that they liked snacks that were either sugary or salty. About 45% of the participants showed a candy preference, 55% liked chocolate, while 56% liked potato chips.

Americans prefer unhealthy snacks

When asked if they would prefer to have healthier snacks, about 53% of the participants said they would try one if it came at a similar price to their usual snacks. According to Tim Prager, the CEO of Go Raw, while eating healthy snacks should be simple, most Americans still prefer to snack on less healthy alternatives.

The respondents were asked to give their idea of a healthy snack. About 7 in 10 thought that proteins were the most healthy nutrient. Another 45% of the participants felt that plant-based food options could have as much protein as animal-based foods, while 21% disagreed.

Despite their belief that protein was the most essential nutrient, only 17% of them prioritized finding snacks with high protein levels when they were in a hurry, while 47% chose more convenient snacks. Another 38% of the respondents thought that snacks low on carbs were the healthiest, while 36% believed that was the case for snacks high in protein.

Americans look out for allergens when buying snacks

Other respondents had to consider food allergies when they purchased snacks. Nearly 12% of the participants know someone allergic to tree nuts, another 13% know someone allergic to gluten, while 20% knew someone with a peanut allergy. For this reason, the respondents felt the need to check for these allergens when shopping for snacks.

Prager adds that it is not easy to find healthy plant-based snacks. However, it is much simpler to find snacks that have no nuts, gluten and are high in protein. Sunflower seeds are incredibly beneficial as they have high protein levels and no allergens.

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