Why is A Gluten-Free Diet so Popular?

Gluten is a name for proteins found in wheat, rye, barley and most of the products made from these grains including bread, cereal and pasta. There are a number of people who suffer harm or illness from eating gluten. However, the widespread popularity and marketing of gluten-free diets and food way surpasses this minority of the population.
Gluten is a name for proteins found in wheat, rye, barley and most of the products made from these grains including bread, cereal and pasta. There are a number of people who suffer harm or illness from eating gluten. However, the widespread popularity and marketing of gluten-free diets and food way surpasses this minority of the population.

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Celiac disease causes people who eat gluten to become ill, sometimes seriously so. About one percent (1%) of the population have this disease. About another seven percent (7%) of the population have some sort of gluten allergy or intolerance, which usually causes gastric distress. However, over 30% of the population follow some sort of gluten-free diet. You will find “gluten-free” labels on many food products and gluten-free menu selections in many restaurants. Some of the reasons why this huge popularity of gluten-free is occurring are discussed below.

Celiac disease causes people who eat gluten to become ill, sometimes seriously so. About one percent (1%) of the population have this disease. About another seven percent (7%) of the population have some sort of gluten allergy or intolerance, which usually causes gastric distress. However, over 30% of the population follow some sort of gluten-free diet. You will find “gluten-free” labels on many food products and gluten-free menu selections in many restaurants. Some of the reasons why this huge popularity of gluten-free is occurring are discussed below.

The Growing Wide Popularity and Influence of Low Carb Diets

The “Keto diet” is king in this arena. Another popular low carb diet is “Paleo” and there are many other types of low carb diets. These diets greatly reduce the amount of carbohydrates that a person eats, and thus all but eliminate foods that contain gluten. Since the followers of these diets are always looking for food to eat that complies with being grain free, they are very attracted to food products and dishes that are touted as being gluten free. The large numbers of these people has thus greatly influenced the gluten-free phenomenon.

Growing Awareness of Food Sensitivities and Allergies

You are probably aware of food allergy warnings including regarding peanuts, soy, milk and other foods. The awareness and incidence of other food sensitivities, including gluten, has also increased the popularity of gluten-free diets. While only about 7% of the population has actually been diagnosed with such gluten sensitivities, there are probably many others with some degree of this condition who have not been diagnosed, at least of yet, with this disorder. This is enough people to influence food products and restaurant menus.

Growing Perception That Gluten Is Generally Not Healthy

There have been many articles and studies that have come to light that seem to indicate that gluten is hard to digest for most people and thus should be avoided or greatly reduced by everyone. Some articles are suggesting that gluten contributes to all sorts of health maladies, including fatigue, lack of concentration, obesity, headaches and others. This also is influencing people, even with no history of gluten caused health conditions, to turn to gluten-free eating.

Fad Following Behavior

Some people feel that a lot of the gluten-free “craze” is largely because it is a fad. The numbers – over 30% of the population being gluten-free while only about 10% of the people have actual gluten disorders – seems to back up this opinion. However, there are many people reporting that sticking to a gluten-free diet has made them feel more healthy. Plus, the consensus of most experts is that being gluten-free can’t hurt you. So, many people just say “Why not eat this way” and act accordingly.

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