How To Make Your Own Healthy Cat Food

Generally, it appears easier to feed cats. All you need is just to feed your cat with scraps of the food you are eating. But is this nutritious to cats? No. You have to be careful with what you feed your cat, especially when it involves feeding them with human meals.
Generally, it appears easier to feed cats. All you need is just to feed your cat with scraps of the food you are eating. But is this nutritious to cats? No. You have to be careful with what you feed your cat, especially when it involves feeding them with human meals.

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Cat foods contain ingredients like salmon, chicken or tuna. But these ingredients in cat food recipes are formulated to provide balanced nutrition to make the cat healthy. Therefore, your homemade food for cats needs to be made to contain complete and balanced nutrients to make your cat healthy rather than unhealthy, malnourished and ill.

Cat foods contain ingredients like salmon, chicken or tuna. But these ingredients in cat food recipes are formulated to provide balanced nutrition to make the cat healthy. Therefore, your homemade food for cats needs to be made to contain complete and balanced nutrients to make your cat healthy rather than unhealthy, malnourished and ill.

Talk With Your Vet

Before you go about creating homemade cat food recipes, the first thing you should do is speak to your vet. The veterinarian will tell you the appropriate nutritional needs for your cat, and the vet will also let you know the best meal for your cat with any underlying diseases.

How To Make Healthy Cat Food At Home

Various essential nutrients make a cat food healthy and balanced, and they include the following:

Water to keep your cat’s body hydrated.

Protein contributes significantly to the health of your cat’s cells, muscles, tissues and organs.

Amino acids to keep your pet healthy. The specific amino acid essential for your cat meal is taurine.

Fat serves as an essential energy source for cats, especially omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. They play an essential role in the health of your cat’s skin, joints, intestines and kidneys.

Carbohydrates, which is another essential energy source for your cats.

Vitamins and minerals function in the metabolism of your cat and also help in making the bone and oral of your cat healthy.

Best Recipes For Homemade Cat Food

Here are some of the best cat food recipes. Check them out.

Tuna Jerky


1 pound raw tuna (cut into 1” cubes)

Cooking spray

How to Make this meal

Put the cube of tuba on an oven-safe pan in a single layer. Meanwhile, the pan must have already been sprayed with cooking spray before baking for 200 degrees Fahrenheit until you get a dry and jerky-like product. You should, however, turn the tuba once every two to three hours. You can refrigerate the tuna jerky for at least three weeks.

Tuna Balls


One standard size tin of tuna

1-2 tablespoons of catnip

One egg

Two tablespoons of olive oil

Two tablespoons of coconut flour

Two tablespoons of tap water

How to Make this meal

Firstly, preheat the oven to at least 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Mix the listed ingredients with a blender and then shape the product in the shape of round balls before putting them on a lined tray. Then put the lined tray containing the round balls in the oven for about fifteen minutes or more until they are brown. Cool the rounded balls and then feed them to your cat.


These recipes for homemade cat foods contain the essential nutrients your cat needs to be healthy. You should, however, speak to your veterinarian to know the nutritional needs of your cat before making any homemade cat foods.

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