Best Food For Diabetics

Diabetics are patients suffering from diabetes and its related disease conditions. There are special diets for such patients that help curb the harmful effect of the disease condition.
Diabetics are patients suffering from diabetes and its related disease conditions. There are special diets for such patients that help curb the harmful effect of the disease condition.

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Before we go through these foods that are best for patients with diabetes, let’s take a cursory look at what diabetes is all about.

Before we go through these foods that are best for patients with diabetes, let’s take a cursory look at what diabetes is all about.

What Is Diabetes?

Diabetes is a chronic disease condition that affects the body’s ability to process blood glucose, leading to adverse conditions that impair body functions. Due to diabetes, there is an increased sugar build-up in the bloodstream, leading to complications that are dangerous such as stroke.

There are different forms of diabetes, with the common ones being diabetes 1 and diabetes 2. Also, not all cases of diabetes are a result of bad or unhealthy lifestyles or eating habits. There is diabetes, as diagnosed in some present since childhood. We will shortly look at the common forms of diabetes.

Diabetes 1

Diabetes type 1, also known as juvenile diabetes, is the form of diabetes that occurs when the body cannot produce insulin. Insulin is the hormone that converts blood glucose to the storage form called glycogen. When this hormone is not produced, there happens to be accumulation and increased blood glucose.

Patients with this form of diabetes will need monitored insulin administration to help manage the condition. This form of diabetes, if not adequately controlled, can lead to complications, including Heart disease

Eye issues
Foot numbness
increased risk of skin infection
Nerve damage
issues with the kidneys
high blood pressure

Diabetes 2

Diabetes type 2 is the most complicated of the forms of diabetes. People with diabetes 2 do not efficiently make use of insulin, even if it is secreted. This, in other words, is known as insulin resistance. Diabetes 2 or insulin resistance is observed to be linked with obesity. This condition can only be managed by taking healthy diets, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and exercising.
If not properly managed, diabetes is so quick to lead to the death of the individual with the condition.

Having gone through the major forms of diabetes, we will now look at the best food for patients with the disease condition. Some of these foods include:


Vegetable food is very nutritious to the body, and they are known to be very low in calories. Vegetables have low levels of carbohydrates, so they don’t cause any significant change in blood sugar levels, making them a suitable diet for diabetics. Vegetable foods include leafy greens, onions, and garlic.


Eggs are good food for diabetics; regular consumption of eggs reduces the risk of stroke and heart disease. Eggs perform many significant functions relevant to diabetics, such as improving insulin sensitivity, decreasing inflammation, and increasing the concentration of High-density lipoproteins (HDL).

Fatty Fish

Fatty foods such as tuna mackerel are low in carbohydrates, maintaining blood glucose levels. They are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which help to reduce inflammation.


Beans are foods that are nutritious and healthy for intake by diabetics. Beans are rich in Vitamin B complexes and good minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and fiber. These nutrients prevent diabetes.

Other foods best for diabetics include; Apple, nuts, chia seed, avocados, virgin oil, broccoli, flaxseeds, strawberries, e.t.c.

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