Detox Diet Plans for Seniors

Detox diets have been around for thousands of years, in fact the original premise of detoxification is based on the ancient Greek and Egyptian theories that much of the food we eat contains toxins and advocated a day of self-denial or fasting to regain balance.
Detox diets have been around for thousands of years, in fact the original premise of detoxification is based on the ancient Greek and Egyptian theories that much of the food we eat contains toxins and advocated a day of self-denial or fasting to regain balance.

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Just like any diet, a detox diet works best when it can be turned into a lifestyle choice and is followed in moderation.

Detoxing is the perfect way for Seniors to press the reset button and help the body recuperate.

Detoxing has several principles that seniors should adhere to when they want to get rid of toxins in a healthy manner. This needs to be accomplished without sending your body into shock by depriving it of certain foods or consuming food items that can cause adverse or even toxic effect.

Senior Americans are quite familiar with the phrase, ‘we are what we eat’, and this is never a truer thought to bare in mind when selecting what’s on the menu for you breakfast, lunch and dinner. Detoxing diets are a wonderful way to press the reset button, and give your body the recuperation time it craves. This can act as a clean slate or platform for a lifestyle choice of healthy eating and regular exercise. Compare these pragmatic and delicious diets here that make detoxing a pleasure rather than a chore.

Just like any diet, a detox diet works best when it can be turned into a lifestyle choice and is followed in moderation.

Detoxing is the perfect way for Seniors to press the reset button and help the body recuperate.

Detoxing has several principles that seniors should adhere to when they want to get rid of toxins in a healthy manner. This needs to be accomplished without sending your body into shock by depriving it of certain foods or consuming food items that can cause adverse or even toxic effect.

Senior Americans are quite familiar with the phrase, ‘we are what we eat’, and this is never a truer thought to bare in mind when selecting what’s on the menu for you breakfast, lunch and dinner. Detoxing diets are a wonderful way to press the reset button, and give your body the recuperation time it craves. This can act as a clean slate or platform for a lifestyle choice of healthy eating and regular exercise. Compare these pragmatic and delicious diets here that make detoxing a pleasure rather than a chore.

A Detox Diet Cuts Out High Consumption of Certain Food Items, Like Sugar, Salt and White Flour

Seniors who commit to a detox diet of any form must avoid the following items, which, when ingested in high numbers, may cause a variety of health issues.

• You do not need to go for the sugar bowl and add spoonful after spoonful of sugar to your tea for it to be problematic. Unfortunately, sugar is prevalent in foods that you would not expect to have it on their ingredient list. Therefore, it is recommended to consume as many natural meals as possible and avoid processed foods.

• Similar to sugar, salt may be found in a broad range of foods since it helps to preserve and enhance their flavor. Again, the easiest technique for avoiding salt would be to eliminate all processed meals. If you cook at home, use it with moderation.

Processed White flour
• As a highly processed meal that the body cannot break down as fast and utilize as fuel for its natural processes, white flour may also be detrimental to the health of elderly citizens. It might be prudent to substitute it with whole wheat.

A Detox Diet Increases Your Intake of Antioxidant Rich Foods and Liquids to Flush Out Toxins

Detoxification hold two sides of the coin. On the one hand, you need to exclude processed and refined foods that can flood your body with toxins, on the other, at the same time you need to increase the consumption of liquids and foods containing antioxidants that flush out toxins. Some basic liquids and food items that ought to be part of detoxification diet are listed here:

Mineral Water
• Consuming at least 1 liter of mineral water daily is a great way of adding to your detox diet. Additionally, many of the herbs in unsweetened green teas have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that may provide additional health benefits.

Natural foods
• When possible, go for organic foods. They are devoid of pesticides and other contaminants and go a long way to helping normal bodily function. The body processes organic food groups much more effectively, absorbs nutrients more efficiently and aids in the regular passing of waste.

Fresh produce and fruits
• The most reliable sources of fiber are fresh fruits and vegetables, which should both be included in a senior’s detox diet. Dark leafy greens are super beneficial for all Senior adults, since they are nutrient-dense, low in calories and packed full of antioxidants.

Seniors Can Follow This Amazing 3 Day Detox Plan This Holiday Season

Here’s a detox diet plan Senior folk can follow for 3 days. This is an excellent choice for regulating your waistline, anti-oxidizing and pressing the reset button after living it up during the festive season.

Early Morning

• Morning Detox Water
2 teaspoons fenugreek seeds + 1 tablespoon lime juice + 1 cup water


• Detox Smoothie
½ avocado + 1 tablespoon chia seeds + 1 tablespoon organic honey + 5-6 strawberries
1 banana + 1 tablespoon ground flax seeds + 1 oz blueberries + 1 tablespoon organic honey


• Detox Snack
1 orange + 4 almonds
1 apple + 4 almonds


• Detox Meal
Brown rice and sautéed mushroom, green beans, carrots, garlic, and onion in olive oil
Chicken salad with cherry tomatoes, avocado, yellow bell pepper, boiled black-eyed peas, and cilantro. Use yogurt and olive oil as dressing.


• Detox Snack
1 cup buttermilk with roasted and ground cumin seeds + ½ cup cucumber slices
Coconut water or a cucumber


• Detox Meal
1 cup mushroom clear soup with veggies
1 cup chicken soup clear soup with veggies

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