7 Swim Workouts For Every Level And Goal

Swimming is an aerobic activity that like rowing, cycling and running requires you to inhale and take deep breaths as you exercise. This action is terribly important for your cardio vascular health and also works to strengthen your lungs.
Swimming is an aerobic activity that like rowing, cycling and running requires you to inhale and take deep breaths as you exercise. This action is terribly important for your cardio vascular health and also works to strengthen your lungs.

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People that smoke are typically encouraged to take up swimming to stave of diseases such as lung cancer, heart disease and deep vein thrombosis.

Swimming is not just really enjoyable and revitalizing, it also provides you with a fantastic cardio workout that helps fight off disease.

Swimming is set apart from most aerobic activities and sports due to the numerous ways you can perform the activity. Different workouts develop specif areas of the system and can benefit you in various ways. As can indeed, where you swim, whether that be an ice pool, salt water lake or a traditional Olympic swimming pool.

Swim workouts exist for every level and goal we may have in improving cardio vascular and respiratory health. Working out in a salt water lake for example, is different to when swimming in the sea. The concentrations of salt and other minerals are much higher in salt water lakes. These minerals are absorbed into the skin, while the salty breeze helps clear the lungs and the workout helps raise your heart rate for a great cardio workout and an overall therapeutic experience. Compare these 7 swim workouts here, you can do in any body of water and reap the fantastic health benefits.

People that smoke are typically encouraged to take up swimming to stave of diseases such as lung cancer, heart disease and deep vein thrombosis.

Swimming is not just really enjoyable and revitalizing, it also provides you with a fantastic cardio workout that helps fight off disease.

Swimming is set apart from most aerobic activities and sports due to the numerous ways you can perform the activity. Different workouts develop specif areas of the system and can benefit you in various ways. As can indeed, where you swim, whether that be an ice pool, salt water lake or a traditional Olympic swimming pool.

Swim workouts exist for every level and goal we may have in improving cardio vascular and respiratory health. Working out in a salt water lake for example, is different to when swimming in the sea. The concentrations of salt and other minerals are much higher in salt water lakes. These minerals are absorbed into the skin, while the salty breeze helps clear the lungs and the workout helps raise your heart rate for a great cardio workout and an overall therapeutic experience. Compare these 7 swim workouts here, you can do in any body of water and reap the fantastic health benefits.

Running Workout

Staying in the shallow part of the pool, sprint from one edge to the other; the deeper the water, the more drag or resistance you’ll feel pushing against your progress. To go forward, you’ll need to bend forward from your ankles, pump your arms, and bring your legs into a high-knee posture before stretching them back down. Holding a weighted item at chest level increases downward resistance, whereas holding a kick-board in front of you with your arms fully extended increases forward resistance.

Push-Ups on the Pool's Edge Workout

Place your hands slightly over shoulder-width apart on the pool’s edge, brace your core, transfer your weight into your upper body so that your toes rise off the pool bottom, and raise your torso out of the water until your arms are completely extended.

Pause, then gently lower your body back to the starting position and repeat. When this seems too hard on your chest, shoulders, or triceps, or if you can’t accomplish many repetitions with good form, utilize your lower body for support by jumping off the bottom.

Jump Squats Workout

Place your feet shoulder-width apart at the shallow end of the pool, with your toes turned slightly out. Squat by seating back into your hips and heels with flat feet, then straighten your hips, knees, and ankles to push into the balls of your feet and leap as far into the air as possible.

The water should be shallow enough that sitting will not submerge your head. Land on the balls of your feet, then squat back down and repeat. You can crouch low enough to submerge your head in water, depending on your comfort level.

Side Shuffling and Press to Row Workout

Standing in the shallow end of the pool, side shuffle from one edge to the other. Maintain your core engaged and your toes pointed inward. Hold your hands to the side or wrap a pool-approved small resistance band around your legs to maximize the burn.

Start upright with a kick-board against your body and drop into a squat posture so that your chest is buried in the water for Press to Row. Brace your core and stretch your arms and kick-board forward against the water, then instantly draw them back into your chest. You should be able to feel the back muscles functioning.

Prone Scissor Kick Workout

Begin in water that is deep enough that your feet are not touching the ground. Lift your legs to a horizontal position while holding onto the pool’s edge or a flotation device, maintaining your spine neutral from the back of your head to your tailbone. Kick from your hip, as though you were kicking a ball, whipping or flicking out through your toes. Rep with the other leg. To increase the resistance, move your legs quicker and kick harder. As you kick, maintain your body in a straight line from the back of your head to your tailbone. This increases the amount of effort required of your glutes, your body’s largest muscles.

Jumping jack Workouts

Stand in the pool with your head above water, feet together, and arms down at your sides. Jump your legs out to both sides while straightening your arms above, then reverse the action by springing your feet back in together and bringing your arms back down to your sides. Whenever the splashing distracts you, merely raise your arms to the height of the water. The easiest technique to raise the intensity of the workout in this case is to increase your pace.

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