5 Signs You Should Get Blue Light Glasses

We currently live in an age where technological advancements such as cell phones are mostly used by everyone. The youths and adults mostly use cell phones, such as Android and Apple devices, and also use laptops more than ever.
We currently live in an age where technological advancements such as cell phones are mostly used by everyone. The youths and adults mostly use cell phones, such as Android and Apple devices, and also use laptops more than ever.

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The consistent use of these devices, however, exposes their eyes to dry eye symptoms caused by the lights emitted by their phones and laptops. There has, however, been a development of blue light glasses to protect the eyes of whoever is exposed to such eye-damaging light. This article will provide you with the five signs you should watch out for before getting blue light glasses hastily. But before we dive into it, let’s talk about what blue light is and how it affects your eyes.

The consistent use of these devices, however, exposes their eyes to dry eye symptoms caused by the lights emitted by their phones and laptops. There has, however, been a development of blue light glasses to protect the eyes of whoever is exposed to such eye-damaging light. This article will provide you with the five signs you should watch out for before getting blue light glasses hastily. But before we dive into it, let’s talk about what blue light is and how it affects your eyes.

What Is A Blue Light?

Blue light is a color found at the edge of the visible light spectrum, which contains a variety of colors that ranges from blue to red. It Is close to the invisible UV light, which is at the edge of the spectrum, and it is referred to as a high-energy visible light (HEV). Among every color on the visible light spectrum, the blue light has a shorter wavelength; hence, hitting the eyes at a higher frequency than most.

Are Blue Lights Harmful To The Eyes?

The blue light in this spectrum is very similar to those that originate from the sun. Generally, the blue light from the sun controls the sleep and wake circadian rhythm of humans. Lights cause heat, and the exposure of the eyes to direct sunlight will burn the eyes, thereby causing damage. Hence, the reason why we can not look straight at the sun on sunny days.

The blue light from the sun is similar to those emitted from digital devices, but they differ in frequencies. Those emitted from the sun can cause immediate damage to the eyes, while those from digital devices cause
gradual damage to your eyes. Hence, the frequent exposure of your eyes to your digital devices for a long period is harmful to your eyes, which is a delicate organ of the body.

Research is, however, being carried out on the effects of blue light exposure on the health of the retina. The main focus of these research and studies is to check if the age-related macular degeneration caused mainly by the blue light from the sun is also caused by digital devices. Although several research and studies are being carried out on the effect of blue light for digital devices on the eyes, blue light is known to cause dry eyes, headaches, eye strains and alteration of your circadian rhythm (sleep cycle).

Five Signs That Call For The Use Of Blue Light Glasses

The body speaks in a different language when it comes to health. It does this by displaying some warning signs to tell you you need blue light glasses, and these warning signs include:


Dry eyes

Eye strain

Blurred vision

Trouble sleeping

In conclusion

Health is wealth, and it is very important to watch out for any of the following warning signs to forestall the damage to your eyes. The eye is a delicate organ; it is advisable also to use blue light glasses whenever you are in your digital devices to make your eyes remain safe and healthy.

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