6 Beneficial Tips For Dealing With Psoriasis

According to the CDC, about one in fifty Americans suffer from Psoriasis. Psoriasis is a skin condition, which results in dry, flaking, reddish patches appearing on the skin and can occur on any part of the body. It is easy to identify through the silvery scales present, often accompanied by itching, burning and even pain.
According to the CDC, about one in fifty Americans suffer from Psoriasis. Psoriasis is a skin condition, which results in dry, flaking, reddish patches appearing on the skin and can occur on any part of the body. It is easy to identify through the silvery scales present, often accompanied by itching, burning and even pain.

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The exact cause of Psoriasis is not known. Many people need to seek and receive treatments and medicines from medical professionals for their condition. Whether you are taking medicine or not, there are some easy, self-help things you can do to lessen the severity of this condition.

The exact cause of Psoriasis is not known. Many people need to seek and receive treatments and medicines from medical professionals for their condition. Whether you are taking medicine or not, there are some easy, self-help things you can do to lessen the severity of this condition.

Use Skin Moisturizers

Since psoriasis involves drying and crusting of the skin, applying moisture is a common sense treatment option:

– Use an ointment, that is specifically for sensitive skin and fragrance free.

– Apply it to damp skin, especially after bathing.

– Use ointment that’s been chilled in the refrigerator to help extra with itching.

– Apply ointment to affected areas and keep wrapped in plastic over night.

Exposure To Sunlight

Moderate exposure to UV rays, which are contained in sunlight, can help reduce the symptoms of psoriasis. This does not mean to bathe in the sun for hours at a time. By taking regular walks outside in sunny weather, with as much of the affected area exposed as possible, should be adequate.

Take Baths Often

Attempt to take a daily bath and try to soak in the water for as long as possible. Only use mild, sensitive skin and fragrance free soaps. There are also special bath oils you can add to the water.

Adopt an Anti-inflammatory Diet

Psoriasis is considered a form of inflammatory health condition. There has been some evidence that sticking to an anti-inflammatory diet can reduce your symptoms. This would include avoiding or reducing foods such as red meat, dairy products and processed food items.

Reducing Stress

There seems to be a connection between stress and psoriasis. The condition often flares up and worsens with increased stress levels. Good ways of reducing stress are doing even simple yoga, meditation, working on a hobby and avoiding where possible known stressful situations.

Eliminate Smoking and Drinking Alcohol

Both smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages can worsen your condition and even diminish the beneficial effects of other treatments you might be using. If you are smoking or drinking mostly to relax, find other ways to be calm. Regular exercise, besides being important for your health in general, is a good way to accomplish this.

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