Alzheimer’s Association Vehicle Donation Program

Alzheimer’s disease afflicts over 6 million Americans, robbing them of precious memories and autonomy. As this neurodegenerative condition continues its heartbreaking march, the role of the Alzheimer’s Association becomes increasingly vital.
Alzheimer’s disease afflicts over 6 million Americans, robbing them of precious memories and autonomy. As this neurodegenerative condition continues its heartbreaking march, the role of the Alzheimer’s Association becomes increasingly vital.

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Through tireless research, compassionate support, and steadfast advocacy, this non-profit organization leads the fight against Alzheimer’s on all fronts. But fueling these initiatives requires significant funding. This is where you can make a difference by donating your car to the Alzheimer’s Association.

Through tireless research, compassionate support, and steadfast advocacy, this non-profit organization leads the fight against Alzheimer’s on all fronts. But fueling these initiatives requires significant funding. This is where you can make a difference by donating your car to the Alzheimer’s Association.

The Alzheimer’s Association Vehicle Donation Program

The Alzheimer’s Association Vehicle Donation Program offers a simple yet powerful way for people across America to advance the organization’s mission. By donating cars, trucks, RVs, motorcycles, and other vehicles that may be sitting idle, you directly enable groundbreaking research discoveries, essential care and support services, and critical global advocacy efforts. Your vehicle gives mobility to millions struggling with Alzheimer’s.

The car donation process through the Alzheimer’s Association is straightforward. You can initiate it online or through a quick phone call. Provide details like the year, make, model, and condition of your vehicle. Schedule a pick-up time convenient for you. Finally, hand your signed title to the driver picking it up. In return, you’ll receive a tax-deductible receipt supporting your contribution. Many donors enjoy complimentary towing too. With many benefits and zero hassle, your unused car can ignite real change.

3 Steps to Donate Your Vehicle for Alzheimer’s Care

Donating your car to benefit those impacted by Alzheimer’s only takes three simple steps:

Prepare – Get your vehicle’s title, registration, and other documents ready. Contact the Alzheimer’s Association to notify them of your intent to donate.

Initiate – Provide details online or through the 24/7 call center to begin the official donation process. Schedule a pick-up time and confirm logistics.

Complete – Hand your signed title to the driver during pick-up. In return, receive your tax-deductible donation receipt. Enjoy the satisfaction of accelerating solutions.

Widespread Impact of Donated Vehicles

Thanks to generous car donations over the years, the Alzheimer’s Association has made tremendous progress in the fight against this devastating disease, including:

Funding over $450 million in research grants to better understand Alzheimer’s, explore groundbreaking treatment options, and support initiatives like the Global Alzheimer’s Platform Foundation.

Enhancing support services like the 24/7 Helpline (800-272-3900) providing expert guidance and resources to over 300,000 families annually.

Educating and advocating across all levels of government to increase research funding and enhance care and support.

Raising awareness through initiatives like Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month each June.

Supporting over 90 Alzheimer’s Association chapters nationwide providing local education classes, support groups, care consultations and more for affected families.

Expanding trial matching services to connect individuals with vital clinical studies.

Publishing comprehensive resources and guides to help families navigate financial planning, legal considerations, communication strategies and daily care.

From Donation to Breakthrough

When you donate your used vehicle to the Alzheimer’s Association, here is what happens behind the scenes:

Your car is picked up by a third-party partner at your chosen time and location.

It is transported to a wholesale auction to be sold to auto industry buyers.

The proceeds from the sale come back to the Alzheimer’s Association.

Your donation is converted into research grants, support programs, advocacy campaigns, educational initiatives and more.

Collectively, donated vehicles accelerate solutions and propel the organization’s vision of a world without Alzheimer’s disease.

Alzheimer’s Association Chapters - Your Local Connection

With over 90 chapters across the country, the Alzheimer’s Association maintains a strong nationwide presence while also providing targeted local support. Chapters empower families right in their communities through:

Ongoing care consultations to address specific needs.

Support groups that foster connection and sharing.

Education classes on caregiving skills, disease overview, and more.

Fundraising events that raise both resources and awareness.

Advocacy efforts bringing Alzheimer’s issues to legislators.

Referrals to programs and services like respite care, adult day programs, home health agencies and residential facilities.

Car Donations Power Local Impact

Funds raised from donated vehicles help equip local Alzheimer’s Association chapters to deliver this diverse range of services and resources. So while your car donation fuels progress on a national level, it also enables your chapter to provide localized support for area families navigating Alzheimer’s challenges.

Join the Journey to Accelerate Change

The Alzheimer’s Association Vehicle Donation Program has proven instrumental in propelling the organization’s mission over the years, thanks to the people who contribute their idle cars and trucks. While Alzheimer’s continues to pose immense challenges for patients, caregivers, and the healthcare system, the Alzheimer’s Association leverages donated vehicles to drive innovative solutions.

So if you have a car sitting unused—whether running or not—consider the immense good it can achieve for millions of Alzheimer’s patients and their families nationwide. See how far your idle vehicle can go in accelerating treatments, enhancing care, and advocating for the Alzheimer’s community. Contact the Alzheimer’s Association today to start the simple donation process and make a tangible difference. Together, we can steer towards a world without Alzheimer’s.

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