Benefits Of Installing A Solar Energy System

Solar energy is one of the most sustainable and environmentally friendly energy sources. Interest in solar energy is gradually increasing owing to the numerous benefits that this sustainable source of energy presents. The interesting part is that costs have fallen around 70% in the past decade. Here are some of the benefits of solar energy:
Solar energy is one of the most sustainable and environmentally friendly energy sources. Interest in solar energy is gradually increasing owing to the numerous benefits that this sustainable source of energy presents. The interesting part is that costs have fallen around 70% in the past decade. Here are some of the benefits of solar energy:

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Saves on energy bills

Installation of solar arrays may appear to be costly, but in the long run, it will save you a significant amount of energy bills. On average, customers with solar panels save between $44 and $187 per month. The good thing with solar energy, there is no monthly bill because once you have installed the array, you harness solar power for free.

Sustainable and environmentally clean source

Solar energy is sustainable, considering it does not release any greenhouse gases like fossil fuels. On average, a single solar panel could offset carbon dioxide up to 178 tons in three decades. This is equivalent to trees in 10 football fields. Although the contribution might seem insignificant, it nonetheless has a huge impact when compared to other energy sources like coal and oil. Solar energy is a clean source of energy that has very minimal effects on the environment.

It increases the value of the home

Environmentally aware individuals tend to prefer houses pre-installed with a solar system. As a result of people becoming increasingly aware of the carbon footprints, customers prefer houses with sustainable energy sources. Homes installed with solar energy systems have a higher resale value considering the average solar installations use around 3,600 watts.

You can earn tax credits

The US federal government is incentivizing those using solar energy. They offer a solar tax credit to commercial and residential properties. State governments are also offering credits as well, which plus the monthly energy bill savings comes in handy.

Why you should buy a solar

The benefits of solar are many, but most importantly, you will be able to save on energy bills plus benefit from government incentives. You also get to enjoy a sustainable and clean source of energy.

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